Wednesday, August 31, 2011

First Day of School!

Team Blowey had a great day in school today!  We spent a lot of time getting used to the classroom and some school procedures but the best part of the day was definitely getting to know each other a little bit more!  We played some fun games to help us learn about each other (The Warm Wind Blows...) and also learn about working together as a team (Blob Tag!).  We even got to read a silly story about a mom who dresses up as a plant just so she can go to second grade again.

This year is shaping up to be a great one with lots of fun and learning.  We're all definitely excited to see how much we're going to grow.

Just a reminder:

If you haven't already sent in your child with their supplies, we're still missing some binders. Remember they can be two, 2 inch three ring binder with a clear plastic cover. We'll need one for math, and one for our other subjects.  Please try to do so before the end of the week.  Everyone came prepared with their pencil boxes today so kudos to everyone!  And a HUGE thank you to everyone who was able to donate some supplies to the classroom!  Team Blowey appreciates every little thing you do to help.  

Also, no homework this week!  The only thing I ask for you to do is take a look through the totes your child brought home today and also to initial the behavior slip your child brought home in their boomerang folders.  

If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask!

Sunday, August 21, 2011


I hope you all had an AMAZING summer! I know I did!

I spent most of my days working outside in a pool. Thank goodness for all of that gorgeous weather we had! I was so happy to work with so many great kids and even happier that so many of them grew into fantastic swimmers. I even had some extra time to sit down and read some great books! (I hope all of you did too!)

I know you are all anxious to know what you will need for school so here is a list of supplies. 

-Two 2 inch three ring binders (one with the clear pocket front)
-1 package of square post-its
-pencil sharpener
-pencil box
-1 package of 5 tab dividers
-water bottle
-***optional*** box of tissues for the class, disinfecting wipes, scotch tape, ziplock bags (large or small), plastic sheet protectors

If there is any reason that you will not be able to bring this items with you to school, please let me know and I will do my best to make sure that you get whatever it is that you need.

I hope you enjoy your last few days of summer so that you can come into our classroom and be energized and ready to learn! I look forward to seeing all of your smiling faces!
Also, here is another reminder about the ice cream social that will be happening on Tuesday, August 30th from 5-6.  This is a great time to see your classroom, meet me, and eat yummy ice cream!  I hope to see you all there!


Miss Blowey