Monday, March 12, 2012

March 12th-16th


Wednesday is Team Blowey's reward Art class.  Thank you so much to everyone who was able to donate supplies!  Mrs. Eslinger greatly appreciated it!

Conferences are next week!  If you haven't done so already, please fill in the conference sheet that was sent home in the totes last Thursday.  On that paper, please my sure you put your child's name and your top 3 choices for conferences.  Remember, it is first come, first serve so fill them out as soon as possible!  If you have any questions that you would like answered at your conference, please send them to me ahead of time so that I can prepare the materials for you.  Thank you!

Wish list:  expo markers, pencils, pencil top erasers  (We're running low!)

This week in...

Phonics:  We are working with the dipthong /ou/ with "ow" and "ou".  We practiced and sorted the following words today:  clown, round, growl, loud, howl, cloud, brown, house, crown,  and sound.  Throughout the week we will continue to build and construct new words with the /ou/ sound using both "ow" and "ou".  

Vocabulary:  Our new vocabulary words are:  lengthy, burrow, ranger, warning, distant, and beyond.  We will use our elbow buddies to learn what these words mean, how to use them in a sentence, and also build connections to the words.  We will then listen and search for these words in a story called The Coatis of the Sonora Desert by Nya Taylor.

Reading:  We will be reviewing what it means to summarize.  When we summarize we are telling the most important ideas about a story or article.  It helps us to remember and understand what we have read.  We will also be working on evaluating the author's purpose.  This means we are evaluating the author's reason for writing a selection.  Before, we used the acronym PIE to help us.  Authors write to Persuade, Inform, or Entertain.  Sometimes, authors write with more than one purpose.  We will be practicing this with the story "Dig, Wait, Listen:  A Desert Toad's Tale by April Pulley Sayre.  

Grammar:  This week we will be talking about pronouns.  Pronouns are words that take the place of a noun or nouns.  Example would be words like:  I, he, she, it, and you.  We will do a few practice sentences together and then have some time to practice pronouns individually.

Writing:  We are still continuing our Sideways Stories!  Most of us are moving out of the planning stage and moving into the rough draft stage.  Our imaginations have been on fire these past few days!

Read Aloud:  We just finished Flat Stanley and will be moving into a really fun project for the book soon!  This week, though, our read aloud books are focused on different disabilities.  Since March is Disability Awareness Month (and also the month of the hop-a-thon) we will be learning about disabilities like autism, down, syndrome, and cerebral palsy through books.

Math:  We are continuing to solve word problems with numbers within 100 using tools like the hundreds chart, number line, and drawings.  If you are practicing IXL at home, your child can practice L.6, L.8, E.9, G 2,3,4,5, 9, H. 2,3,4,5,9.   Encourage your child to solve these problems with a number line, hundreds chart, or with drawings.  

Other news:  This week, students will also be participating in a Disability Awareness Day.  They will be moving through three different stations designed to have students "experience" what that particular disability may be like.  

We are still continuing to raise money for the hop-a-thon!  The classroom who raises the most money will be able to attend the Special Olympics in May!

I hope you have a fabulous week!  Enjoy the lovely weather!

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