Monday, June 11, 2012

June 11th-13th


It's so hard to believe that this is the last week of school!  The year has flown by!  Remember that Wednesday, June 13th will be our last day of school and it will be an early release day.  Students are dismissed at 12:00.

Students will be bringing lots of stuff home with them throughout this week.  If you have any questions about anything that is sent home, please let me know!

CALLING ALL LIBRARY BOOKS!  Some students still have some library books checked out that need to be returned.  Bring them back to school ASAP!

This week...

We will be finishing in the last few goals that we were able to meet for reading, writing, spelling, and math.  These goal trackers will be sent home for you and your child to enjoy!

We have also had a lot of fun playing sparkle, a spelling game, with all of our second grade spelling words!  In order to win, you need three things:  to be a good listener, a good speller, and a little bit of luck.  Ask your child how to play.

We will also be creating a memory book of some of our favorite moments in second grade.  With this, I'm hoping they'll be able to look back on second grade with a smile on their face!

Team Blowey is also going to be doing a couple science experiments!  Today, we did an experiment with a parachute, and tomorrow we'll be doing an experiment with a kite.

It's crazy to think that this year is so close to being over.  Thanks again for all of your support and cooperation!  I hope your time with Team Blowey was a positive one!

Enjoy this beautiful week and have a wonderful summer!

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