Monday, September 24, 2012

September 24th-28th


Our field trip to the Cumberland Fair is this Wednesday!  We will be going rain or shine so be sure to help your child dress appropriately.  Also, we will not be participating in any games, ride, or food while we are there so you will not need to send any more.  However, everyone will need to bring a bagged lunch that day!  If you have any questions please let me know!

The competition for box tops and labels for education is still happening!  Send any box tops or labels to our classroom!

We have time for snack everyday!  Send your child in with a nutritious snack.  Remember, please keep all peanut and peanut butter snacks as an at-home snack!

Last week, everyone should have received a paper newsletter with TONS of information about our classroom.  If you have any questions please let me know!

This week in...

Phonics:  We'll be studying the short e, short o, and short u sound.  We'll practice with the following words:  went, tell, pet, job, fog, not, tug, hut, tub, and bun.

Vocabulary:  Our new vocabulary words are:  share, wonderful, company, delighted, thinning, and enjoyed.  We'll be thinking about these words, figuring how what they mean, and how to use them in a sentence.  Then, we'll be searching for these words in a story called Making Muffins and a Friend by Vanessa Lavin.

Comprehension:  We will be analyzing story structure and the plot.  When we analyze a story's structure, we are looking at different parts of the story and thinking about how the author has organized the plot or the events.  When we analyze the plot of a story, we are thinking about the beginning, middle, and end of the story, so that we can better understand how the main character in the story solves a problem.

Writing:  We will begin a story of how we think our lives will look like in 20 years!  Team Blowey will be thinking about all aspects of our lives:  work, school, friends, family, ourselves, etc.  This will be a chance to let our imagination soar and dream big!  This week, students will brainstorm their ideas and create a story web.

Grammar:  This week we'll be talking about commands and exclamations.  A command is a sentence that gives an order or tells someone to do something.  An exclamation is a sentence that shows strong feeling.

Daily 5:  We now have four out of the five things that we need to do to become better readers and writers.  They are read to self, work on writing, read to someone, and word work.  Last week, we made our "I" chart for word work.  This week, we'll spend some time learning and practicing the appropriate way to use some of the materials that we'll use to help us practice our words.  

CAFE:  We have added another strategy to our CAFE menu.  We've talked a lot about picking "just right" books.  This is actually a strategy that will help us build our fluency (reading words accurately and with expression).  We'll be adding another three strategies to the board before the week is over.  Under fluency, we'll add "voracious reading".  Under expand vocabulary, we'll add "voracious reading" (yes, this is the same as the fluency strategy but it will also help us to expand our vocabulary as well).  Under comprehension, we'll add the strategy of being able to retell a story with the beginning, middle, and end.  The story have already had some practice with this but now we will be having more practice!

Social Science:  Today we started to talk about the different parts of a plant and what they are for.  The flower is for making seeds for the rest of the plant.  The stem helps give the plant support and also allows nutrients to travel to the rest of the plant.  The leaves help catch sunlight so that they can make the plant's food.  And the roots help keep the plant stable and also gather the nutrients from the soil so that it can be spread to the rest of the plant.  When we go on our field trip on Wednesday, we'll have a chance to check out some plants and test our knowledge of all of their parts!

This is also the last Friday of the month so we'll be having our very first classroom store experience!  Students will have to make tough decisions about their money.  Should they save it?  Should they spend it?  They'll also have to use their extraordinary math skills to make sure they add up their purchases correctly.  At the end, we'll talk about what items were popular and what items were not so popular (an introduction to supply and demand!).

Math:  This week we will be unpacking our second learning target of the year.  

MA.02.OAT.02.01  I can fluently add and subtract numbers up to 20 in my head.

We'll have a chance to learn some strategies for how to add numbers together and also have the chance to play some math games.  Students will be given ample time to practice their individual goals.

During the week, we'll also be introducing the idea of math menus.  In order to help students meet their goal, they are given a menu which allows them to have some voice and choice in how they practice their goal, and in turn, meet it.  I'll be doing a lot of modeling and practicing to help students learn the routines and procedures around math menus.

If you have any questions, comments, or insights please let me know!

I hope you have a fabulous week!

Monday, September 17, 2012

September 17th-21st


Permission slips for our first field trip of the year were sent home in totes on Thursday.  Please remember to sign and return them as soon as possible.  If you would like to chaperone, let me know!

Russell School is having a contest to see which classroom can collect the most Box Tops and Labels for Education.  The classroom that collects the most Box Tops will win an extra recess.  The classroom that collects the most Labels for Education will win a movie.  For each winning classroom, the teacher will also win a basket of supplies.  The contest runs from now until October 12th!  So send those box tops and labels in!

Next Monday, September 24th, is an early release day!

Our Special Schedule:

Monday:  library
Tuesday:  Spanish
Wednesday:  P.E. (remember those sneakers!)
Thursday:  art
Friday:  music

This week in...

Phonics:  We are studying the short a and short i sound.  Today, we worked with the following words:  has, wag, sat, had, bad, fix, six, him, will, if, can, and hit.  We listened to the word, identified the sounds, and then sorted them into categories.  After we sorted them, we practiced spelling them with a partner.

Vocabulary:  Our new vocabulary words of the week are:  tomorrow, different, groan, excited, carefully, and whisper.  We'll be working together to figure out what these words mean and how to use them in a sentence.  Then, we'll search for them in the short story called School is Starting by Josh Singh.

Comprehension:  We will be focusing on analyzing story structure, characters, and setting.  We'll practice using these skills while we read David's New Friends by Pat Mora.  

Grammar:  We will be focusing on beginning sentences with a capital letter and ending them with the appropriate punctuation mark. 

Writing:  We've introduced the idea of using our writer's eye.  When we use our writer's eye we are looking for very specific things.  So far, our writer's eyes are focused on having finger spaces between our words, starting with a capital letter at the beginning of the sentence, and ending our sentences with the appropriate punctuation mark.  

Daily 5:  We have now added the third part of our Daily 5.  Before we talked about Read to Self and Work on Writing.  Today we began to talk about Read to Someone.  Take a look at our "I" chart below.

Here are some of the teaching posters that we also talked about.  These will be available in the room for us to refer to.  

During this week, we will be talking about how to choose partners, how to choose books, where to sit in the room, and the three different ways to read to someone.  We'll start building our stamina by practicing for three minutes.  Each day we will try to increase our stamina by one minute. 

CAFE:  So far we have three strategies added to our CAFE menu.  We have check for understanding (to help us with our comprehension), cross checking (to help us with accuracy), and tune into interesting words (to expand our vocabulary).  This week we will continue to tune into interesting words while we listen to our read aloud book Charlotte's Web by E.B. White.  So far we have tuned into some pretty interesting words.  Here are a few examples:  objectionable, salutations, gnawing, thoroughly, cautiously, and detested.

Here is our CAFE board.  We'll continue to add reading strategies to it throughout the year.

Math:  We are continuing our work with graphing.  So far students have had a chance to collect data and create graphs both individually and with a partner.  We've practiced making bar graphs and pictures graphs.  Each day, we continue to collect data about ourselves so that we can get to know each other better.  Here is an example of one of our graphs:

This week we will continue to investigate all kinds of graphs and practice sorting data into categories so that we can turn the data into a graph.

Social Studies:  We are continuing to build our classroom community.  This week we'll be taking a look at blue, green, yellow, and red behavior when we are in line, learning on the rug, and during goal time.  We'll also have a chance to create a flow chart for what to do if we have a problem with a friend.

As I'm sure some of you may have heard, last Friday we unveiled the fabulous "B" bucks and tokens that we'll be using to manage our behavior.  There will be a newsletter going home this week that will give you some more details about how this works.  I tried to send home to you today but alas the printers were not cooperating with me.  I'm hoping to get them home to you before the end of the week!

I hope you have a joy-filled week!

Monday, September 10, 2012

September 10th-14th


On the first day of school you received a WHOLE LOT of papers.  Please read them over, sign what's necessary, and return them to school ASAP.

On Friday, your child should have had their two-pocket folder in their backpacks.  These will be called their boomerang folders (send it home and it comes right back... get it?).  Please return them with your child everyday even if there is nothing in it.  We'll use these folders to get things to and from home throughout the week.

If you at all interested in volunteering (even if it's just chaperoning a field trip at some point during the year), please fill in and return the volunteer paperwork as soon as you can!  These papers take time to process.  The sooner we have them, the better!  If you need volunteer paperwork to be sent home, please let me know and I'll send it home with your child as soon as I get a chance.

Please send a healthy snack to school with your child everyday!  We have time for snack every afternoon.  They are also allowed to bring and keep water bottles on their desks so that they have constant access to water without causing any interruptions.  Feel free to send those water bottles in! REMEMBER:  we're trying to do our best at minimizing the risk of allergic reactions at school.  Please keep all peanut and peanut butter snacks as an at-home snack.  Thank you!

Our special schedule:
 Monday:  library
Tuesday:  Spanish
Wednesday:  P.E. (don't forget those sneakers!)
Thursday:  Art
Friday:  Music

This week in...

Math:  We have begun to explore the wonderful world of graphing!  Throughout the week we will create various picture and bar graphs using information collected from the class.  We'll be talking about how to read and interpret the information presented on the graphs, using words like "most" and "least", and also using phrases like "more than" and "less than".  To keep the fun going, we'll be discussing the different parts of a graph as well such as the title, scale, and the way we represent the data we have collected.  During the week, students will have time to collect data and create their own picture or bar graph and also working with a partner to collect more data and create a graph together.  

Here's an example of a graph we created today:

In order for us to really know what is expected, we will be unpacking MA.02.MD.04.02.  The standard says:

"Draw a picture graph and bar graph (with single-unit scale) to represent a data set with up to four categories.  Some simple put-together, take-apart, and compare problems using information presented in a bar graph."

We'll put on our silly glasses and use our investigator voices and minds to solve the puzzling words and phrases in the standard.  

Language Arts:  We are continuing to build our read to self stamina.  We reviewed that stamina is doing anything for a long period of time without getting tired or giving up.  Today our goal was 7 minutes!  We also created an "I" chart ("I" stands for independence) for work on writing time.  Check out both of our "I" charts below.  And excuse the messy handwriting.  It was written quickly to help keep the attention of the 19 members of Team Blowey! :)

After we brainstormed the correct behaviors for teacher and students for writing time, we spent some time creating heart maps.  A heart map is a picture of all of the things that we hold close to our hearts and think that we would like to write about at some point.  These heart maps will be kept in our writing folders so that we can always check back on them if we ever get stumped on what to write about.  Here's my heart map as an example:

We also talked about why writer's write.  We made this chart:

We also talked about what writer's write.  This will be displayed on our writing wall as a reminder:

Later this week, we'll be introducing our second CAFE strategy.  This one is for accuracy, meaning "I can read the words."  I will be modeling and explaining what it means to cross-check.  When you cross-check, you ask yourself three questions.  "Does what I just read look right; do the letters and/or pictures match what I am saying?"  "Does it sound right?" and "Does it make sense?".  

We'll also be talking about how to choose just right books.  We'll use the acronym IPICK to help us.  
I- I choose the book
P-Purpose... why am I reading this book?
I- Interest... am I interested in this book?
C-Comprehend... do I understand what I'm reading?
K- Know... do I know most of the words?

We'll also be reading a book about a girl who has a similar dilemma... how to pick just right books.  The book is called Goldisocks and the Three Libearians by Jackie Mims Hopkins.

Social Studies:  We are still continuing to build our classroom community.  Last week we created our classroom vision.  We voted on a version that is a song and has a little dance to it (you might have seen or heard it at home!).  Here it is!  It's to the tune of the Cupid Shuffle.

Now, now, be a TEAM, be a TEAM
Now, now, be a TEAM, be a TEAM
Now, now, be a TEAM, be a TEAM
Now, now, be a TEAM, be a TEAM

When we walk into the classroom we know it’s time to show
We do our best work all of the time!
We’ve got CREATIVE juices just flowin’ from our minds
We’ve got a super FUN room where we do the shuffle
All you gotta do is show your self control
It don’t matter if you’re young or you’re old,
here we go!  We’re gonna show you how it goes...

To the right, to the right, to the right, to the right
to the left, to the left, to the left, to the left
now kick, now kick, now kick, now kick
Now put your smile on, now put your smile on

From there we developed our Code of Cooperation.  This is basically like a set of classroom rules that will help us make our Vision come true!  Here are our illustrations!  (Sorry some of the words got caught off... I messed up the measurements when it came to picking paper and the frames)

Follow directions and use self control.

 Support and encourage each other.

Dream big and never give up on your goal.

Treat others the way you want to be treated.

This week, we'll be developing rubrics for each of our codes.  We'll break each code down into blue, green, yellow, and red behavior.  Here's what we decided for "We will treat others the way we want to be treated."

We'll complete the other codes during the week.

We'll also begin our conversations of the rewards and consequences for blue, green, yellow, and red behavior.  

We also talked about and designated a classroom job for every one who is a part of Team Blowey.  We need everyone to do their job if we want our classroom to run smoothly!  Our classroom jobs are as follows:  mail person, pledge leader, absent helper, messenger, librarian, lunch bucket carrier, fish caretaker, electrician, teacher's helper, door holder, banker, pencil sharpener, morning meeting helper, line leader, check-in/check-out monitor, supply box checker, and job reminder.

We've got a jam-packed week ahead of us!  We are so excited and ready to learn!  I hope you all have a fantastic week!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

September 4th-September 7th

Welcome to the 2012-2013 starting lineup of Team Blowey Parents!

Today was such an awesome day!  I'm so excited to see what the rest of the year has in store for us.


Today, your child should have gone home with a packet full of papers from me.  Please fill out the student information sheet and the volunteer form if you plan on volunteering.  Some of you already filled these papers out at the ice cream social.  If that applies to you, simply ignore the papers that were sent home.

I encourage you to send in the "Getting to Know Your Child" questionnaires that were sent to you in the mail.  They really help me to get a glimpse at your child from the person who knows them best... YOU!  

Special Schedule:

Monday:  Library
Tuesday:  Spanish
Wednesday:  P.E.  (don't forget those sneakers!)
Thursday:  Art
Friday:  Music

If you are thinking about volunteering in the classroom at all (even if it's just chaperoning a field trip) please, please, please fill out the paperwork now and send it in!  It takes time to process these forms and the sooner we get them the better!  Also, on September 13th at 6 PM, Russell School will be having a volunteer night.  Please attend the meeting if you want to volunteer!

Please send in any of your child's school supplies as soon as possible.  If you need a copy of the list again to see what was needed, please let me know.  Also, if purchasing any of the items on the list is a hardship for your family, please don't hesitate to let me know.  We'll figure something out!  Again, HUGE thank you to all of the families that were able to send in donations for our classroom.  Every little thing helps!

If your child has any alternative plans for after school, please be sure to send in a note with your child.  It's important that we have these notes to make sure your child ends up in the right place!

Within the next couple weeks, I'll be sending home a paper newsletter filling you in on the ins and outs of our classroom.  I'll be letting you know expectations about behavior, our schedule, and even some of the activities that have been happening in our room.

If you have any questions at all, please don't hesitate to ask!

This week in Room 10...

Morning Meeting:  Right now we are learning all kinds of fun greetings that will be added to our "Good Morning, Sunshine!" box.  Once we learn all of the greetings, students will be able to close their eyes and pick out a random greeting for us to do that morning.  We will also read our morning note together.  Next, students will have a chance to share any stories they have with us during our 10 second share.  Then we'll talk about the days of the week and what the weather looks like outside.  We'll also be using the amount of days that we have been in school to practice our place value skills.  Finally, we'll read the "Words to THINK about."  These will be changed at the beginning of each month.  This month the words are:

In this classroom, you are important, loved, respected.  You are part of a team.  You are valuable, listened to, successful.

S.O.P.'s:  This week we will be developing S.O.P.'s or Standard Operating Procedures.  We will use these to develop routines, set expectations, and give reminders to students.  We will focus on getting ready for school, getting ready for lunch, and getting ready to go home.

Classroom Vision:  We will be creating a classroom vision together.  Today, everyone got 3 post-its to write down what they thought were the three most important things for having the best year ever in second grade.  We got answers like extra recess, lots of crafts, a teacher that listens, kind friends, and even extra homework!  We combined all of these answers into categories.  Tomorrow, we will vote on the most important categories.  I will then use these to come up with several drafts of a classroom vision.  Then, we will power vote again to decide which vision is the one that works best for us.

Friends:  We will also be doing LOTS of getting-to-know-you type crafts and activities to help build our classroom community.  We'll be doing scavenger hunts, playing games, and so much more!  All of these things will help us get to know each other a little better and also begin laying the foundation for great teamwork!

CAFE and Daily 5:  We will begin setting up expectations and developing routines for how we will practice our individual language arts goals this year.  These will be developed through lots of discussions, role-playing, and practice.  This week our focus will be on what it looks like to read to your self.  We'll also start introducing our first CAFE reading strategy which is "Check for Understanding".

For those of you who aren't familiar with CAFE or the Daily 5, CAFE stands for comprehension, accuracy, fluency, and expanding vocabulary.  Throughout the year, we will be learning reading strategies that correspond with each of these things and developing a "menu" of choices.  The Daily 5 is how we will practice our goals.  The Daily 5 are read to self, read to someone, listen to reading, writing, and word work.  

Goal setting:  We'll also take some time this week to set our initial goals for ourselves.  What is it that we want the most by the end of second grade?  Students will brainstorm their goals and then write their goals on a smaller version of a team jersey.

Read Aloud Books:  This week's read aloud books will revolve around building classroom community.  We'll be talking about the importance of using kind words (Chrysanthemum by Kevin Henkes), bucket filling vs. bucket dipping (Have You Filled a Bucket Today? by Carol McCloud), respect (The Recess Queen by Alexis O'Neil), friendship (Yo! Yes? by Chris Raschka) and giving (The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein). 

I hope you all have a wonderful first week of school!