Monday, September 10, 2012

September 10th-14th


On the first day of school you received a WHOLE LOT of papers.  Please read them over, sign what's necessary, and return them to school ASAP.

On Friday, your child should have had their two-pocket folder in their backpacks.  These will be called their boomerang folders (send it home and it comes right back... get it?).  Please return them with your child everyday even if there is nothing in it.  We'll use these folders to get things to and from home throughout the week.

If you at all interested in volunteering (even if it's just chaperoning a field trip at some point during the year), please fill in and return the volunteer paperwork as soon as you can!  These papers take time to process.  The sooner we have them, the better!  If you need volunteer paperwork to be sent home, please let me know and I'll send it home with your child as soon as I get a chance.

Please send a healthy snack to school with your child everyday!  We have time for snack every afternoon.  They are also allowed to bring and keep water bottles on their desks so that they have constant access to water without causing any interruptions.  Feel free to send those water bottles in! REMEMBER:  we're trying to do our best at minimizing the risk of allergic reactions at school.  Please keep all peanut and peanut butter snacks as an at-home snack.  Thank you!

Our special schedule:
 Monday:  library
Tuesday:  Spanish
Wednesday:  P.E. (don't forget those sneakers!)
Thursday:  Art
Friday:  Music

This week in...

Math:  We have begun to explore the wonderful world of graphing!  Throughout the week we will create various picture and bar graphs using information collected from the class.  We'll be talking about how to read and interpret the information presented on the graphs, using words like "most" and "least", and also using phrases like "more than" and "less than".  To keep the fun going, we'll be discussing the different parts of a graph as well such as the title, scale, and the way we represent the data we have collected.  During the week, students will have time to collect data and create their own picture or bar graph and also working with a partner to collect more data and create a graph together.  

Here's an example of a graph we created today:

In order for us to really know what is expected, we will be unpacking MA.02.MD.04.02.  The standard says:

"Draw a picture graph and bar graph (with single-unit scale) to represent a data set with up to four categories.  Some simple put-together, take-apart, and compare problems using information presented in a bar graph."

We'll put on our silly glasses and use our investigator voices and minds to solve the puzzling words and phrases in the standard.  

Language Arts:  We are continuing to build our read to self stamina.  We reviewed that stamina is doing anything for a long period of time without getting tired or giving up.  Today our goal was 7 minutes!  We also created an "I" chart ("I" stands for independence) for work on writing time.  Check out both of our "I" charts below.  And excuse the messy handwriting.  It was written quickly to help keep the attention of the 19 members of Team Blowey! :)

After we brainstormed the correct behaviors for teacher and students for writing time, we spent some time creating heart maps.  A heart map is a picture of all of the things that we hold close to our hearts and think that we would like to write about at some point.  These heart maps will be kept in our writing folders so that we can always check back on them if we ever get stumped on what to write about.  Here's my heart map as an example:

We also talked about why writer's write.  We made this chart:

We also talked about what writer's write.  This will be displayed on our writing wall as a reminder:

Later this week, we'll be introducing our second CAFE strategy.  This one is for accuracy, meaning "I can read the words."  I will be modeling and explaining what it means to cross-check.  When you cross-check, you ask yourself three questions.  "Does what I just read look right; do the letters and/or pictures match what I am saying?"  "Does it sound right?" and "Does it make sense?".  

We'll also be talking about how to choose just right books.  We'll use the acronym IPICK to help us.  
I- I choose the book
P-Purpose... why am I reading this book?
I- Interest... am I interested in this book?
C-Comprehend... do I understand what I'm reading?
K- Know... do I know most of the words?

We'll also be reading a book about a girl who has a similar dilemma... how to pick just right books.  The book is called Goldisocks and the Three Libearians by Jackie Mims Hopkins.

Social Studies:  We are still continuing to build our classroom community.  Last week we created our classroom vision.  We voted on a version that is a song and has a little dance to it (you might have seen or heard it at home!).  Here it is!  It's to the tune of the Cupid Shuffle.

Now, now, be a TEAM, be a TEAM
Now, now, be a TEAM, be a TEAM
Now, now, be a TEAM, be a TEAM
Now, now, be a TEAM, be a TEAM

When we walk into the classroom we know it’s time to show
We do our best work all of the time!
We’ve got CREATIVE juices just flowin’ from our minds
We’ve got a super FUN room where we do the shuffle
All you gotta do is show your self control
It don’t matter if you’re young or you’re old,
here we go!  We’re gonna show you how it goes...

To the right, to the right, to the right, to the right
to the left, to the left, to the left, to the left
now kick, now kick, now kick, now kick
Now put your smile on, now put your smile on

From there we developed our Code of Cooperation.  This is basically like a set of classroom rules that will help us make our Vision come true!  Here are our illustrations!  (Sorry some of the words got caught off... I messed up the measurements when it came to picking paper and the frames)

Follow directions and use self control.

 Support and encourage each other.

Dream big and never give up on your goal.

Treat others the way you want to be treated.

This week, we'll be developing rubrics for each of our codes.  We'll break each code down into blue, green, yellow, and red behavior.  Here's what we decided for "We will treat others the way we want to be treated."

We'll complete the other codes during the week.

We'll also begin our conversations of the rewards and consequences for blue, green, yellow, and red behavior.  

We also talked about and designated a classroom job for every one who is a part of Team Blowey.  We need everyone to do their job if we want our classroom to run smoothly!  Our classroom jobs are as follows:  mail person, pledge leader, absent helper, messenger, librarian, lunch bucket carrier, fish caretaker, electrician, teacher's helper, door holder, banker, pencil sharpener, morning meeting helper, line leader, check-in/check-out monitor, supply box checker, and job reminder.

We've got a jam-packed week ahead of us!  We are so excited and ready to learn!  I hope you all have a fantastic week!

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