Monday, April 1, 2013

April 1- April 5


Homework packets are due tomorrow!

Please remember to send a plain white t-shirt to school with your child by Wednesday!  We'll be making our jerseys on Friday!

I'm looking for some more volunteers to be able to come in and help us make our jerseys!  We'll need volunteers in two time slots, you can pick which time would be the most convenient for you:  9:45-10:45 or 12:30-1:30.  Please let me know if you are willing and able to volunteer!

THIS THURSDAY IS BIOGRAPHY DAY!  Please send your child to school dressed like the person they have been studying.  Remember, this can be as simple as a hat!  Do not feel like you need to go out and buy anything for this day.  If you need any help at all coming up with a costume, please let me know!

Next Monday is an early release day!  Next Friday, April 12, there will be no school!  The following week is Spring Break!

I can solve word problems within 100 using  a hundreds chart, number line, drawings of base ten blocks, or the tens and ones strategy with unknowns in all positions.

F. 12

 G.  6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14

H. 6, 9, 10, 11, 12

 L.  3, 4, 5, 8, 10, 12,

 S.  3, 8

This week in...

Phonics:  We're working with the diphthong oi, oy.  Our words are soil, broil, moist, point, boil, oil, toy, joy, soy, and royal.  We sounded out, sorted, and spelled these words together.  We'll continue to work with them throughout the week.

Vocabulary:  Our new words are:  gathered, agreed, randomly. jabbing, and signal.  We'll figure out what these words mean and build connections to them.  Then we'll search for them in the short play called Why Sun and Moon Live in the Sky.

Comprehension:  This week, we'll be trying to visualize and identify the problem and solution in a story.  When we visualize, we'll be trying to picture what we're reading in our minds.  This can help us better understand and remember what is going on in the story.  When we identify the problem (something the characters want to change, fix, or find out) and the solution (what solves the problem), we'll be acting just like investigators and be asking lots of good questions and be looking for the details in the story!  We'll practice these skills when we are reading Pushing Up the Sky by Joseph Bruchac.
Writing:  We are working on putting the finishing touches on our biography posters!  We'll be focusing on using our neatest and best handwriting while we add lots of color and details into our pictures.  At the same time, we'll make sure that our "decorations" are focused on our topic and do not become distracting for someone who might be reading our posters.

Grammar:  This week we'll be reviewing the parts of a sentence (subject and predicate) and how it relates to using the words "I" and "me".  We use "me" in the predicate part of a sentence and we use "I" in the subject part of a sentence.  This is one of those age old lessons of trying to decide when to use I or me in a sentence!  For example, we would say that Kira and I sing in the show, not Kira and me sing in the show.  However, we would say... my teacher helps me with the words, not my teacher helps I with the words.

Math:  We are continuing to focus on using tens and ones in order to solve words problems within 100 in our whole group lessons.  Please refer to previous blog posts to see what that looks like.

Science:  We are continuing to observe our brassica plants!

Social Studies:   We have been revisiting our Code of Cooperation and talking about how we follow those codes to make the classroom vision come true.  Here are our codes:
1.  Follow directions and use self control.
2.  Treat others the way you want to be treated.
3.  Dream big and never give up on your goals!
4.  Work together!

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