Tuesday, November 12, 2013

November 12- November 15


Please remember to send in the Flat Stanley papers with the name and address of a friend or relative that lives in a different state who would be willing to participate in our project.  The means that would agree to have a Flat Kid sent to them with a friendly letter and send pictures, momentos, etc, along with a friendly letter back to Russell School for us to share with the class.

Please remember to send back the permission slip for the music field trip.  We'll be going to see the Nutcracker on December 3.  Along with the permission slip, students need to send $1.50 for the admission fee. Please let me know if you are unable to do this.  No child will be left out because they are unable to pay.  We will make it work!   Parents who would like to chaperone need to let me know ASAP and send along $6.50 for the admission fee.  

Tomorrow, Wednesday November 13 is early release!  Please plan accordingly!

Homework packets are due on Thursday!

For IXL, please refer to previous blog post.

Wishlist:  Plastic sheet protectors!


Phonics:  We are working with the long /a/ sound with the spelling patterns ai and ay.  Here are our focus words:  main, wait, sail, tail, train, jay, pay, stay, hay, and may.  

Vocabulary:  Our new vocabulary words are serious, broken, personal, informs, and heals.  We'll work together to figure out what these words mean and build connections to them.  Then, we'll listen for them in two short stories called A Ride to Help and Time for an X-Ray.

Comprehension:  We will continue to work with sequence of events.  We'll pay attention to words like first, next, then, and last to help us understand the order of the story.  We'll practice this while reading A Trip to the Emergency Room.

Grammar:  We'll focus on proper nouns.  Proper nouns are names, the days of the week, months, and holidays.  Proper nouns always begin with a capital letter.

Writing:  Since we didn't have a chance to do our "How to Catch a Turkey" writing last week, we'll work on it this week.  We'll also be collecting our "Thankful Thoughts"

Read Aloud:  We'll begin reading The Thanksgiving Story by Alice Dalgliesh.  It tells the story of the pilgrims and why they chose to come to America, gives details about their lives when they arrived, and also talks about interactions with the Native Americans, leading up to the first Thanksgiving dinner.  While we read this book, we'll be taking notes on important facts on our anchor chart.  

Science:  As a preview to our animal unit that will happen later in the year, we'll be reading about Wild Turkeys!  While we research we will take notes on the different facts that we learn about them.  

I hope everyone has a great week!

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