Monday, December 2, 2013

December 2-6


Tomorrow is our field trip to see what happens backstage at The Nutcracker Ballet!  Mrs. Reeber has asked teachers to remind students to dress their best for this trip!   Team Blowey will not need anything else for this field trip.

Homework packets (yes, the Thanksgiving fun packets!) will be due on Thursday!  I hope everyone enjoyed some of the activities!

Please remember that your child is allowed to have a water bottle at school to help them stay hydrated throughout the day!  We also have time for snack so please remember to send in nutritious and delicious snacks to help us stay energized throughout the day!  Please remember, no strawberry, pineapple, or peanut (or peanut butter) snacks for school!  

It is getting awfully chilly outside!  Please send your child to school with their coats, hats, mittens, and boots!  


Phonics:  We are working with the long /i/ sound with these spelling patterns:  i, ie, y, and igh.  Here are the words we are working with:  light, sight, high, tie, lie, wild, mind, try, cry, and dry.

Vocabulary:  Our new words are:  peered, giggled, snuggled, fluttered, vanished, and recognized.  We will define these words and build connections to them.   Then, we'll search for them in the short story called Leo Grow Up by Kevin Lee.

Comprehension:  We will be working with the very complex skill of making inferences!  We we make inferences, we make decisions based on clues in the story and the prior knowledge that we already have.  Making inferences is one way for us to answer some of our questions while we read.  We'll practice this skill while we read Farfallina and Marcel  by Holly Keller.

Grammar:  We will be working with possessive nouns.  A possessive nouns shows who or what has something.  We add an apostrophe (') and s to a singular noun to make it possessive.  For example we would say:  The duck's egg will hatch soon or the cow's calf is learning to stand.

Writing:  Team Blowey will be introduced to the idea of writing a friendly letter.  This is a part of our Flat Stanley unit.  This week, we will learn the parts of a friendly letter (heading, greeting, body, closing, and signature) with a fun song.  Then, we'll take the knowledge we gain from the song to practice writing friendly letters to each other.  Next week, we will begin our letters to friends and family that agreed to participate in our project.

Math:  This week, we will be introducing two more concepts that will be practiced throughout the year:  time and money.  Today, students brainstormed things we already know about clocks and telling time.  We also talked about how we measure time (seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, etc).  Then, in small groups, we brainstormed activities that might take us one second, one minute, and one hour so we could get a picture of how long these units of time actually are.  Finally we made a giant clock on the rug and talked about the different parts.  I wanted to make some BIG connections so we talked about how fractions relate to time!  We use phrases like half past one or quarter past three, or quarter to five all the time!  So we broke our clock into halves and quarters.  As an extra challenge, we tried to figure out how many minutes were in 1/10 of an hour.  We'll continue to strengthen our time telling skills through the rest of the week and the rest of the year.

We'll also introduce the concept of money.  This week, we will be working on identifying and recognizing the different coins.  We'll talk about attributes of the coins as well as how much the coins are worth.  Then, we'll talk about how different coins could be combined to make new coins.  For example, five pennies equals a nickel or 5 nickels equal a quarter. 

Social Studies:  After a long vacation, we will be practicing and refining our day to day routines again.  A huge part of our classroom revolves around teamwork!  So, this week, we will focus on what it looks like to be a good partner!  We will brainstorm together and then have the chance to role play and practice with each other.  

Read Aloud:  Today we read The Nutcracker Ballet by Vladamir Vagin in preparation for tomorrow.  Then, we will begin reading another Flat Stanley adventure!  The team will be voting on which adventure we would like to read together later this week.

I hope everyone has a wonderful week!

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