Monday, January 13, 2014

January 13-17


Homework packets are due on Thursday!  Please remind your child to put their homework in their backpack on Wednesday night!  Remember no homework packet = no free choice Friday!

Remember to send your child to school with all of their outdoor gear.  They will need boots, snow pants, jackets, hats, and gloves to go outside for morning, lunch, and afternoon recess!

This Wednesday is an early release day!  Please plan accordingly!

Next week, there will be no school on Monday (Martin Luther King Jr. Day) or Friday (Teacher Records Day).  Please plan accordingly!

Please send in a delicious and nutritious snack for your child everyday!  Do not send any snacks or juices that contain strawberries, pineapples, or peanuts!  Thank you for keeping our kids safe!

Just as a quick reminder, each week students should be practicing their spelling words and their math facts.  For spelling, students should be able to spell the word correctly and use it correctly in a sentence.  For math facts, students should be memorizing their math fact families so that they can recall the correct answer from memory in three seconds or less.  Flashcards, flashcards, flashcards!!


Phonics:  We are working on the long /u/ sound with the spelling patterns u and u__e.  Here are our focus words:  mule, bugle, fuse, use, flute, June, music, duke, tune, and dune.

Vocabulary:  Our new words are:  tips, obeys, attention, accident, enormous, and buddy.  We’ll define these words and build connections to them.  Then, we’ll search for them in the short story called Safety at School by Brian Sullivan.

Comprehension:  This week, we’ll focus on using pictures in a story to help us understand the story better.  We’ll do this while we read the silly story Officer Buckle and Gloria.  

Grammar:  We are working with present-tense verbs.  These are verbs that tell about actions that happen now.  We add -s or -es to a present-tense verb that tells what one person or thing is doing.  Here are some examples:

The girls stand  at the corner.
He runs around the bases.

Writing:  We will continue our focus on persuasive letters.  This week, students will be brainstorming reasons why they think someone would say, “No!” to their request and then brainstorming reasons to argue against that.  For example, if a student was writing to ask for a dog, someone might say that a dog is too expensive.  The student might come up with an idea like, “I’ll do extra chores around the house and our neighborhood to earn the extra money and help pay for the dog.”

Scholastic News:  With Martin Luther King Jr. Day coming soon, we will be reading an article about Dr. King’s Wise Words.  While reading, students will be challenged to compare and contrast life before and after Dr. King and his influence on society.  They’ll also be challenged to use images to help clarify and contribute to the text that they are reading.

Math:  This week, some of the second grade teachers will be doing some flexible grouping for place value.  Basically, we will be sending students to a second grade classroom that best fits their need to help them meet the place value standard.  Some of Team Blowey will be staying in my room, some of Team Blowey will be traveling to another second grade classroom.  We will be doing these flexible groups on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays.  In these groups, teachers will be teaching highly targeted lessons with activities that will help students practice their goals so that they become proficient in our place value standard.  In order to be proficient, students will  need to:

  1. Read and write three digit numbers in numerals, number names, and in expanded form.  For example:

Three hundred eighty five
300 + 80+ 5

2.  Understand that numbers can be thought of as bundles.  For example, their are ten bundles of ten in 100.  Example:

137 can be broken into:
1 bundle of 100
13 bundles of 10
137 bundles of 1

3.  Understand the ones, tens, and hundreds place in a number.

456:  4 hundreds place, 5 tens place, 6 ones place.

4.  Skip count by fives, tens, and hundreds between 0 and 1,000.

5.  Compare two three digit numbers using the sybols <, >, and =

137 < 456                 768 > 394                   345 = 345

Science:  This week, we will be learning about the life cycle of a plant.  First, the seed is planted in the soil.  Second, a tiny shoot appears from a crack in the seed.  Third, roots form and hold the plant in place in the soil.  Fourth, the stem grows taller and stronger, supporting the leaves and the flowers.  Last, the plant’s flower forms seeds and the life cycle starts all over again.

After learning about the life cycle of a plant, we’ll be planting our very own brassica seeds!  They are a fast growing plant and we will observe them through their lifecycle.  Just like scientists, we will make observations and document them as notes as well as drawing pictures to represent what we see throughout the brassica seed’s life cycle.  

I hope everyone has a fabulous week!

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