Tuesday, January 17, 2012

January 17th-January19th



NO SCHOOL on Friday, January 20th!  

Every member of Team Blowey needs to bring in a white t-shirt for their team jerseys.  So far we have only had 3 teammates bring them in!  Send in a plain white t-shirt for your child at any time!  Once everyone has brought in their shirts, we can start to decorate!

Send in pictures of your child doing their favorite wintertime activities!  We love adding them to our Team Blowey News bulletin board.  If it is easier for you, you can email the picture to me and I can print it here at school.  

Some students still need to bring in an expo marker and an old (but CLEAN!) sock to use as an eraser.  Please send them with your child (if you have not already done so) ASAP!


Starting this week, students who are in the yellow flower pot at any point throughout the day will be taking their yellow reflection sheet home to be signed.  It must be signed and brought in the following day.  If not, the student will lose 5 minutes of their earned time.  Students will still be given the chance to change their behavior back to "green" behavior.  If students are able to do so, I will note that at the top of the reflection sheet.

***Previously students who were able to earn their way back up to green by the end of the day did not have to take home any reflection sheets.  Lately, however, we have had too many students taking advantage of this.  My hope is that this new rule will help students reflect even more on their behavior so that they may turn it around the next day and stay in green or blue the entire day.

This week in:

Reading:  We will be continuing our work with visualizing and talking about why it is so important to visualize what is happening  in a story based on description, dialogue, and illustrations.  We will also work to identify the cause and effect in a story.  We will do these things while we read the fantasy story Click, Clack, Moo:  Cows that Type

Phonics:  We are working with words that have these initial triple consonant blends:  scr-, spr-, and str-.  We will study the following words to help us with this:  screen, scream, scrape, stripe, struck, strict, sprain, spring, spruce, and strap.  We have already worked together to organize all of these words into the three groups (scr-, spr-, and str-).  Throughout the week we will working on building and blending words with these blends.

Vocabulary:  Our new vocabulary words are:  sincerely, impatient, furious, demand, emergency, and snoop.  We talked with our elbow buddies about what each of the words mean and how to use them in a sentence.  We then listened to a story called Iggy Pig Saves the Day and put our finger on our nose when we heard a vocabulary word.

Writing:  We will be introducing the idea of persuasive writing.  Together we will talk about what it means to persuade someone and how to do it.  Then, we will write a persuasive letter as a class about a topic that we have yet to vote on.  When the letter is finished, students will be challenged to write a persuasive letter themselves!  (This will be a great introduction to the fun activity that we will be doing with our book buddies soon!)

Math:  We are continuing to focus on our money standard.  We have been looking very closing at the penny, nickel, and dime and brainstorming their distinguishing features.  Tomorrow, we will finish up with the quarter.  We have also been working hard at becoming familiar with our menu choices and how they can help us meet our money goals.  

Here are the pieces that make up our standard:
1.  I can identify a penny, nickel, dime, quarter, and dollar.  I can tell you the value of each.
2.  I can add coins and dollars together by using what I know about skip counting and place value.
3.  I can tell you what $ and ¢ means and label money with those symbols.
4.  I can solve word problems involving coins and dollars and label them with symbols.
Students must be able to do each of these parts correctly and consistently in order to meet the standard.

Later this week, we will be exploring different ways to count money as well as different ways to make different amounts of money (i.e. using 25 pennies or 5 nickels to make 25 ¢). 

Science:  Our Brassica plants are growing!  It is very exciting to see how they can change from day to day.  We have been very busy little scientists and writing our observations twice a week.  As scientists, Team Blowey has been challenged to draw an accurate picture of their plant and also write detailed observations.  Our observations have proven to be a little bit of a challenge for us!  Sometimes it's hard to think like a scientist and write about ONLY what we see instead of what we hope will happen next or about how beautiful our plant is.   As scientists, we have to be very literal and detailed about what we see happening in the cups.  However, it will be very exciting to see what happens next with our Brassica plants!

I hope you all have a wonderful week!

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