Monday, January 30, 2012

January 30-February 3


Please send in a plain white t-shirt for your child ASAP if you have not already done so.  Team Blowey is really eager to make our team jerseys but we need the supplies in order to do it!

This Friday is our "Glow in the Dark" party.  Students are allowed to bring in a flashlight if they would like.  We will be listening to some night time tunes with the lights down low.  We'll even have a special glow in the dark surprise!  Let me know if you have any questions.

Homework packets go home on Mondays and they return the following Monday.  That is when I will collect your child's work and count up the homework points that they have earned.  The more the practice at home the more points they will earn!  50 points gets them a prize from the prize box!  Even better than that, student's who practice more at home will meet their goals faster in the classroom!

Tomorrow is the last day in January which means that January reading logs will be due this week!  Students should be reading a minimum of 20 minutes every night!  Students will be recognized by the school for every 300 minutes that they read!

For homework, students should be practicing their spelling words at least once a week, reading for 20 minutes every night (Monday-Sunday!), and practicing their math goals at least once or twice.  

This week in...

Phonics:  We will be working more with r-controlled vowels.  Specifically, we will be working on er, ir, and ur.  To help us, we will be using the following words:  clerk, herd, sir, churn, hurt, term, skirt, stir, burst, and turn.  We will be reading, saying, spelling, and sorting each of these words into their appropriate category. 

Vocabulary:  Our new vocabulary words are:  wider, saddest, balance, deserted, freezes, and imagine.  We will use our elbow buddies to talk about what the words mean, how to use them in a sentence, and also build a connection with each of these words.  Throughout the week, we will be hunting for these words in everything we read!  The first story we will use to help us hunt for our vocabulary words is called Bill Helps Geese Survive by Anthony Estes.  This story will also help us to identify comparative words (words that compare two things and might end with -er) and superlative words (words that compare three or more things and might end in -est). 

Reading:  We are continuing to practice how to generate questions while we read.  By generating questions and then inferring what the answer to those questions might be, we will be better able to understand what is happening in a story.  We'll also be working on identifying cause and effect.  The cause being why something happened, and the effect being what actually happened.  To do this, we will be reading Goose's Story by Cari Best and illustrated by Holly Meade.  

Grammar:  We will be working with helping verbs this week.  A helping verb helps another verb show an action.  Have, has, is, are am, was, and were are all examples of helping verbs.  Together we will work to complete sentences that use these helping verbs in the correct way.

Writing:  We are working hard to finish up our persuasive letters!  Some of us have moved on to writing a rough draft and have our peers edit them for us.  These are sure to be some very convincing letters!

Math:  This week we are start to close our money unit.  We will be reviewing some strategies to help us solve word problems and also reviewing how to use $ and ¢ appropriately since these seem to be the two areas where we could use some improvement.  

We are also going to be spending a little bit of time reviewing how to tell time to the nearest five minutes, understanding and using a.m. and p.m. and also some strategies to help us add and subtract time.

Science:  Some of our flowers have started to bloom!  We will definitely start to have some exciting entries in our science journals this week.  Hopefully we will get a few minutes to share some of our most exciting journal entries and observations.  Then we will be able to compare and contrast each of the plants in room 10.

Other news:
We had a blast with our book buddies today!  Each little/big buddy group was given a book to read with each other.  Once they were finished reading the book, they were given a challenge.  They were to come up with a 30 second commercial to sell the book!  We had so many talented actors in room 10 today!  We saw books with great lessons, books with fun rhyming words, books with silly stories, and so much more!  All of these commercials made me really want to go book shopping!

I hope you all have a joyous week!

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