Monday, April 23, 2012

April 23rd-27th

I hope you all had a fabulous spring break!  Hopefully you were able to take advantage of some of the wonderful weather we had.  It almost seems like a forgotten memory while I'm sitting here, looking out the window at the gloomy sky, listening the rain pour outside.  Well, at least we had a few nice days to help hold us over until the warm summer days head our way!


This Friday night is the Contradance Family Night!  The Family Night will be held at Memorial School.

THURSDAY IS BIOGRAPHY DAY!  Please send your child to school already dressed in their costume.  If their costume is a hat, please make sure they have it with them!  If you need any help at all coming up with a costume, please do not hesitate to ask!  

We are opening up more math standards this week!  We will be working on Geometry and Fractions.  Want to know what to practice on IXL?  Your child can practice T1-T9 and U1-U7.

This week in...

Language Arts:  This week, our main focus in Language Arts will be our biography projects.  By now, students are working on taking their edited rough drafts and turning them into their final drafts.  Students will be looking out to make sure they have upper and lower case letters where they belong, periods at the end of every sentence, and that most of the words are spelled correctly.  Once they have completed their final draft, they will work to create a portrait of the person they have researched.  On Thursday, students will have the chance to present their reports to their teammates.  They will be given time in class to practice their reports so that they are comfortable reading them.  

When students have completed their biography reports they will be participating in their CAFE goal time.  This is the time where they will be working on their individual reading, writing, and spelling goals. 

Math:  We are beginning to wrap up our adding and subtracting using place value unit.  This week whole groups lessons will continue to focus on adding up to four two digit numbers and adding and subtracting three digit numbers using drawings.

This week we are also beginning something called "Investigation Exploration" where we will be investigating and exploring the wonderful world of shapes!  That's right! We are opening up our geometry standards.  Along with geometry, we will also be doing fractions.  Today, students were able to take a pretest to see where they will be starting in the investigation exploration.  Tomorrow, we will be unpacking what we need to do in order to meet these new standards.  This week we will also have the chance to explore some of the new menu options so that students know exactly how to practice their personal goals independently.

Here's a sneak peak of what students will be working towards during the investigation exploration:

-Identify triangles, quadrilaterals, pentagons, hexagons, and cubes.
-Recognize how many faces and angles a specific shape has.
-Draw a shape with a specific amount of faces and angles.
-Be able to divide a circle or rectangle into halves
-Be able to divide a circle or rectangle into thirds
-Be able to divide a circle or rectangle into fourths
-Know that an equal share of identical wholes can be a different shape (example: a rectangle can be divided into halves down the middle or diagonally)
-Partition a rectangle into rows and columns of same-size squares and count the total number of them.

Social Sciences:  Our Flat Stanley Kid Exchange is underway!  We will be waiting anxiously to hear about all of the fun places our flat selves got to travel!

I hope you have a wonderful week!

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