Monday, April 9, 2012

April 9th-12th


There is a note in the boomerang folders with a few more details about the biography project.  If you have any questions about it let me know!

There is NO SCHOOL on FRIDAY, April 13th!  Next week is spring break!  

Classroom wish list:  index cards, expo markers, top erasers for pencils, and whiteboard erasers.

Biography day will be April 26th!  

This week in...

 Phonics:  We are working on hard and soft consonants /k/c, /g/g, /s/c, and /j/g.  We'll be practicing with the following words:  camp, cave, cent, face, girl, wagon, gift, gym, gem, and germ.  We'll practicing sorting the words by their sounds.  We will also practice building and blending words with similar patterns.

Vocabulary:  Our new vocabulary words are:  surface, spacecraft, lunar, visible, footprint, and discovered.  We will use our elbow buddies to help us figure out what these words mean, how to use them in a sentence, and also to build connections to these words so we are more likely to remember and use them.  We'll be searching for these words in a short story called Discover the Moon

Comprehension: This week we will be practicing how to summarize a story by picking the most important parts of a story and retelling them in our own words.  We'll also be working on classifying and categorizing.  This means that we will be sorting words, objects, ideas, and people into groups.  Doing this helps us see how items in a group can be alike.  We will be practicing these skills while we read The Moon by Seymour Simon.

Writing:  We are hard at work researching for our biography book reports!  We have been practicing ways to record information and how to sort it all out into a report that makes sense.  We use green, yellow, and red pieces of paper to help students sort out their ideas.  Green sentences are at the beginning and the end of your report.  They tell your audience what it is you are writing about.  Yellow paper shows us our star ideas, the main points we want to make in our writing.  Red sentences are our detail sentence.  We write two red sentences for every yellow star idea.

Math:  This week we are continuing our practice with adding and subtracting 10 and 100 from a number in you head as well as adding four two digit numbers together.  When students are adding four two digit numbers together they can use whatever strategy they want as long as they can label their thoughts.

Social Studies:  We are getting ready to send out all of our Flat Stanley letters across the country.  Students will be addressing the envelopes themselves and then they will be on their way!  We are so excited to learn all about the different places our friends and family members live!

Other news:  Today we headed over to Dunn School to meet up with our book buddies.  We continued the challenge of making rhyming poetry.  This time, Miss Audette had students add to the saying, "April showers bring May flowers."  First students found as many words as they could that rhymed with flowers and showers.  Then, students used those words to make two more lines of the poem.  When they were finished, they had a poem in the shape of a flower!  Students took this project home with them today.  Some students were not able to finish their project today so they may choose to finish it at home, but they do not have to.  It is simply their choice if they would like to finish it or not.

Have a wonderful and fabulous week!

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