Monday, May 21, 2012

May 21st-25th


Field Day is happening tomorrow!  Rain or shine!  Please send your child prepared to participate!  Please bring extra clothes and maybe even shoes as it may be wet!  It's going to be a lot of fun!

Shoe boxes are due on WEDNESDAY May 23rd.  Please remember to send it in with your child ASAP!  Also, if you are willing and able to donate clay to our classroom, it would be greatly appreciated!

Please remember to send in permission slips for our upcoming field trips to the Animal Wildlife Park and Dunn School!  Students who are going on the Wildlife Park field trip also need to send in $3.50 for their admittance fee.  Let me know if you have any questions!

This will be the last formal week for homework.  Students are still expected to bring in their homework packets next Tuesday when we return from the three day weekend.  In the following weeks, students are still expected to practice their goals at home.  For example, they should still be reading for 20 minutes every night, practicing their spelling words, and practicing their math goals (either on IXL, the portaportal, games that were sent home, or math fact cafe).  However, I will no longer be sending out the actual homework packet to record how many times your child practices at home.  It's important to remind your child as well that although summer is right around the corner, we still have 16 more days left of school! We will still be setting goals and meeting goals everyday!  If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask!

This week in...

Phonics:  We will be practicing the /ir/ sound with the spelling patterns:  eer, ere, and ear.  At the same time, we will be practicing the /ur/ sound with the spelling pattern er.  We will be practicing with these words:  near, queer, dear, verb, ear, perch, deer, here, steer, and where.

Vocabulary:  This week's vocabulary words are:  impossible, treasures, watch, talent, and pleasant.  We'll use our elbow buddies to figure out what these words mean, how to use them in a sentence, and build connections with them!  Then, we will listen and search for the vocabulary words in two short stories.  One is called Frozen Art and the other is called  Elephant Artists.

Comprehension:  We will be practicing how to analyze text structure.  This means we will be looking at the way the author organizes the information.  We will also practice how to make judgments while reading.  This means that we are thinking about the information the author gives us and then form an opinion about the topic.  We will be practicing these things while we read Music of the Stone Age.

Grammar:  We will be practicing adjectives that compare.  For example adding -er or -est to the end of the word.  Adjectives that compare are words like brightest, bigger, oddest, and longer.

Writing:  Our main focus in writing right now is our animal book projects.  This week, students will be working to complete the final draft of their books which include pictures and facts about what their animal looks like, their habitat, their diet, and also fun facts about the animal.  As an extra fun part of the assignment, students will be creating an "about the author" page that shares information about themselves as the author of their animal books.  

Math:  Our last unit focuses on measurement.  As of right now, we have opened two standards to work on.  

I can measure the length of an object by selecting and using appropriate tools such as rulers, yardsticks, meter stickers, and measuring tapes.

I can estimate the lengths of objects using inches, feet, centimeters, and meters.

These two standards are combined onto the same menu with the following as the students' checklist:

1.  I can choose the best tool to measure an object.
2.  I can estimate and check lengths using inches.
3.  I can estimate and check lengths using feet.
4.  I can estimate and check lengths using centimeters.
5.  I can estimate and check lengths using meters.
6.  I can measure the length of an object using a ruler.
7.  I can measure the length of an object using a yardstick.
8.  I can measure the length of an object using a meter stick.
9.  I can measure the length of an object using a measuring tape.

This week, our whole group lessons will focus on estimating and measuring various objects around the room with all of the measuring tools.  At the end of the week, we will begin to measure the same object using different units (i.e. inches and centimeters).  

I hope you all have a fabulous week!

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