Tuesday, May 29, 2012

May 29th-June 1st


Please send in the $3.50 admittance fee to the Animal Park (if you haven't done so already) as soon as possible!  On the day of the field trip, students will be allowed to bring $2.00 from home to spend on either an ice cream or a drink.

Last week was the last week for the homework packets.  They will not have a new homework packet in their boomerang folders today. Students are still expected to practice their goals at home only now they are no longer required to log when and how they practice.

Classroom wishlist:  expo markers and tissues

This week in...

Phonics:  We are working on r-controlled vowels that make the /or/ sound with the spelling patterns or, ore, and oar.  We practiced these patterns with the following words:  more, tore, wore, store, oar, roar, board, port, north, and fort.  We will continue to build and blend words with the /or/ sound throughout the week.

Vocabulary:  Our new vocabulary words are:  invented, design, products, instrument, powerful, and allowed.  We used our elbow buddies to define the word, use it in a sentence, and build connections to each of the words.  Then we listened and searched for the words in the the story called Kid Inventors Then and Now by Kali Capria.

Comprehension:  This week we will be practicing the strategy of rereading something when something doesn't make sense.  When we reread, we'll ask ourselves questions about the characters, the setting, and the plot.  If we can't answer the questions, we will know that we need to go back and reread to figure them out.  We'll also be reviewing what it means to compare and contrast while reading.  When we compare, we are looking for how people or things are similar.  When we contrast, we are looking for how people or things are different.  We will be practicing these skills while we read the story called African American Inventors by Jim Haskins.

Grammar:  We will be talking about why the word "I" is always a capital.  Together we will look at examples of when I should be capitalized and then students will have the chance to practice on their own.

Writing:  Our main focus again is working on completing our Animal Research Books.  Everyone is working on pulling their final drafts together and creating their beautiful illustrations!  We will also be practicing how to write to a prompt.  The question students will be challenged to answer is, "If you were going to invent a machine named after yourself, what would the machine do?  Describe it." 

Math:  This week, we will be finishing up measuring objects using different units and also how to measure two objects to determine how much longer one is than the other.  We continue to talk about the importance of measuring at the beginning of an object and starting at zero on their measuring tool.  We also talk about making sure we pay attention and measure with the correct units.  In addition, we continue to talk about which tools are appropriate for measuring certain objects.  Later this week, we will work together to measure the lengths of several objects and then plotting those lengths using a line plot.  

Social Science:  We are making our dioramas!  Students will be planning out what their animal's habitat will need to look like and materials they might need in order to create that look.  Once they have planned the scene, they will have a chance to create the background for the animal using whatever materials we have.  These could be things like paint, paper, sand, rocks, sticks, etc.  They will use the materials that fit their animal's habitat best.  Once their habitat is complete, they will be using modeling clay to create a figure to place into their dioramas.  We are so excited!

I hope you have an amazing week!

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