Tuesday, October 9, 2012

October 9th-October 12th



Please remember to send your child's boomerang folder to school EVERY day!  It's important to have them here so we can get things from school to home.  If you need a replacement boomerang folder (2-pocket folder), please let me know!

Send in your conference sheets!  Times are first come, first serve!  Today, students are going home with either a confirmation sheet if you have already sent in your request or a second conference sheet for you to fill out.  Remember if you have any questions for me, please send them to me ahead of time so I can have the materials ready for when you have your conference.  This will help me make the most time out of your conference!

Send in the permission slips for the Portland Museum of Art!  We will be going to the museum on October 18th!

This THURSDAY, October 11th, at 5:45 I will be hosting a parent night.  I've had a couple people ask if you are supposed to bring your kids with you.  The answer is no, please arrange to have a babysitter for the evening.  The parent night will be a night of information about voice and choice in the classroom, our goals, and the ins and outs of homework.  Plus, you won't want to miss our "Meet the Team" video!

Homework has started TODAY!  Homework will be filled out on Tuesday, and returned the following Tuesday.  Please read the ins and outs of homework that was attached to your child's homework packet for more information.  If you still have questions, feel free to email me.  You may also choose to wait until after parent night, where I will spend some time explaining homework.

Students should be doing the following each week:

-practice their spelling words twice a week!
-reading EVERYDAY for 20 minutes!
-practicing their math facts twice a week!  (There was a mistake on the packet that was sent home.   The packet says 10 minutes everyday.  Ignore that and just practice two times this week).

Please remember to send a nutritious snack to school with your child everyday.  We have time for snack every afternoon.  Please keep all peanut and peanut butter snacks at home.  Here are some ideas for healthy snacks that will keep our brains energized!

-fruit like apples, bananas, oranges,  and grapes
-veggies like peas, carrots, broccoli, and celery
-whole grain cereal

This week in...

Phonics:  We are working on the short i and long i sounds.  We will practice with these words:  did, rip fin, mix pick,  five, side, hike, nine, and pipe.  We will sound out the words, sort them into the short i or long i category, spell the, and then use them in a sentence.

Vocabulary:  Our new vocabulary words are:  deaf, language, signing, cultures, celebrate, and relatives.  Together, we will read the words, figure out what they mean, and build connections for them.  Then, we'll search for them in a story called A Special Camp by Kate Jones.

Comprehension:  We are continuing to work on summarizing the story using words like, "First, Next, Then, and Finally" and identifying the main idea and details of a story.  We will continue to improve these skills while we are reading Meet Rosina  by George Ancona.

Writing:  We are working our way through the writing process:  Brainstorm, Write, Revise, Edit, and Publish with our stories about where we see ourselves in 20 years.

Grammar:  Again, we will be talking about the parts of a sentence, the subject and the predicate.  We will practice identifying both in a sentence.

Daily 5:  Now that students have had a chance to practice each part of the Daily 5 and (hopefully) become an expert at it, they are now responsible for practicing all of them throughout the week.  Students should be reading to self, writing, and working on their word work everyday!  For word work, students will work with spelling words twice a week and their phonics words three times a week.  They will read to someone twice a week and listen to reading once a week.

CAFE:  We will be introducing a fluency strategy.  We'll be talking about paying attention to punctuation when we read.  When we see a period, our voices should get lower.  When we see an exclamation mark, our voices get excited or they yell.  When we see a question mark, our voices go up.  When we see a comma, our voices take a short break.

Math:  After continued conversations with other second grade teachers.  Our math plans varied a little from what I had written down at the beginning of the week.  Last week, we unpacked our time standard which says that we will be able to read and write time to the nearest five minutes, using a.m. and p.m.  This week, we will be practicing our menu options so that students can practice on their individual goals throughout the year.  

This week, we will unpack our geometry standard like I had planned for last week.  Then, we will figure out our individual goals and work on them using a menu.  Voice and choice!  Woo!

Social Science:  This week we will be going to two different presentations.  First, we will be visiting Chris Van Dusen, a children's book author who lives in Camden, Maine.  You might be familiar with some of his books like If I Built a Car, The Circus Ship, or Down by the Sea with Mr. Magee.  

Next, we will be visited by the fire department of Gray to come and talk to us about fire safety!

Read Aloud:  We are still finishing Charlotte's Web and will probably move into a new read aloud book next week sometime.

Words to THINK about for the month of October:  Don't let what you CAN'T do, stop you from doing what you CAN do!   

An important lesson for us all!

I hope you all have a fantastic week!

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