Monday, December 3, 2012

December 3rd-December 7th


Team Blowey earned their last marble today!  They chose to have a pajama day.  So, tomorrow (Tuesday, December 4th) students will be allowed to wear their pajamas at school.  

Homework packets are due tomorrow!  Please send them back to school with your child!  If you have any questions, comments, or insights, please take a few seconds to jot them down on the parent feedback page.

The holiday concert will be at the GNG High School, December 10th at 6:00!  It's a great evening and the students love to show all of the parents how hard they have been working!  

This week in... 

Phonics:  We are studying the long /e/ sound with the spelling patterns e, ee, ea, and y.  We practiced with the following words:  eat, leaf, mean, queen, need, seek, baby, pony, he and we.  

Vocabulary:  Our new words are:  swung, attached, gasped, breathe, frantically, and delicious.  We will work together to figure out what these words mean and to build an attachment to them.  Then, we will search for these words in The Story of the Giant Carrot by Rosa Manuel.  

Comprehension:  This week's focus is around cause and effect.  The effect is what happened and the cause is why the event happened.  When we think about cause and effect, it helps us to better understand the story.  We'll be practicing this skill in small groups and also as a whole group while we read the folk tale called Head, Body, Legs:  A Story from Liberia.  Together, we will fill in a cause and effect graphic organizer.  This strategy will also go up on our CAFE board.  Check out our CAFE board now!  We've already been introduced to so many strategies that will help us become better readers!

Writing:  This week, students will have the chance to explore what would happen if they lived in a snow globe.  Many students might have seen the Pixar Short called Knick Knack where a snowman tries to leave his snow globe to join the other friends on the beach.  That's one scenario of what might happen if you lived in a snowglobe... trying to escape!  However, Team Blowey will have the chance to think up their own scenario and explain it to their audience.

Grammar:  We will be talking about action verbs.  Action verbs are words that tell us what someone or something is doing.  Some examples of action verbs are:  walks, opens, sits, eats, sleeps, runs, plays, etc.

Math:  This month students will be diving into the wonderful world of educational games.  This week, we will be learning how to play 12 different games that will help us to add and subtract numbers using place value.  The skills that are introduced and practiced in these games are critical to the next two units we will be studying, place value and being able to add and subtract using place value.  Once students have learned how to play all of the games, they will then have the choice of which game they play each day.  They will be playing each game at least two times.

Science:  Last week we gathered all kind of weather words while we were reading.  We found and discussed weather words like:  wind, air pressure, snow, cumulous clouds, cirrus clouds, stratus clouds, tornado, and many more!  This week, we will be working on the very first part of our year long service project to help kindergarteners and first graders be prepared for the various types of weather that we might face.   A huge part of that is just being able to get dressed to go outside quickly and efficiently.  This week, we will be putting together a "Getting Dressed for Outside" S.O.P.  This S.O.P. will be shared and taught to other classrooms in the school in hopes that it will make their "getting ready" time a little bit easier.  Check out our Weather Words anchor chart below!

Mystery Reader:  We have another mystery reader coming into our classroom this week!  We still have plenty of open weeks for others to sign up for!  If you or someone you know is interested in coming into our classroom on a Wednesday from about 11:50-12:10, let me know!  This is something the team really enjoys and it's a lot of fun for those of you who decide to do it as well. 

Words to Think About:  Here is a picture of our words to think about for the month of December.
"You were made to...make your dreams come true, make the impossible possible, be yourself, accomplish any goal, change the world, live a beautiful life.  Only you can make it happen!"

Remember, please don't hesitate to send any comments, questions, or insights my way!  Your feedback is always considered and definitely appreciated!

I hope you have a fabulous week!

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