Tuesday, December 18, 2012


    I am sending home possible homework ideas for do this week and the following week during vacation.  These are simply suggestions for how to keep those brains growing even during our days off from school.  These ideas are fun!  Give them a try as a family.  The best learning always happens when we work like a team!


    Check out the local library for some super fun books!  Remember, reading isn’t just being able to decode the words that you are reading but it is also about understanding what you’re reading.  Make sure you ask questions before, during, and after reading your book.  You could even use your schema to make some awesome connections!  Reading is like an adventure, so head out on your adventure today!


    A family holiday journal is a great way to not only work on your writing goals but also to keep track of all of your precious memories that you are creating together.  Try taking pictures of all of those special moments and then writing a caption for each of the pictures.  Then, you could put them together in a book so you could look back on your memories for years to come!

    Another fun activity to do with family is to write a progressive story, where everyone in the family takes turns adding a sentence to the story until the story is complete!  It’s amazing to watch everyone’s creativity come together to make a stupendous story!


    There is so much shopping that is going on during this time of year whether it is for gifts for your loved ones or your weekly groceries.  Have your child figure out how much money to pay or count the change that your receive. 

    You could also create your very own schedule for this crazy time of year!  Making a schedule and sticking to it is a great way to reinforce all of our telling time skills!

    You could also play any or all of the math games that were sent home!  Those games are not only tons of fun, but they also reinforce incredibly important place value skills that are a crucial part of our next few standards.

    You could also practice those math facts of yours!  Once you feel like you have mastered one math fact family, start working on the next one! 


    Cooking and baking involves language arts, math, and science!  Why not involve your child in all of the kitchen activities?  Topics could include:

measuring (measurement and fractions)
hot and cold temperature (fridge, stove, etc)
mixing ingredients (chemistry)
reading and following a recipe
writing/copying a recipe legibly

    You could also spend some time tracking the weather. Make your own weather journal and track the temperature, the kind of weather (sunny, cloudy, snowy, etc), and what kind of clothes you should be wearing.  During vacation, you’ll be heading into the first few days of winter.  How are they different from the days in other seasons like fall or summer?

Social Studies

    Talk about your family traditions.  What traditions did your grandparents have?  How are  they the same or different to yours today?

    You could also talk about how everyone is struggling with different things this time of year. Maybe you could create a family plan for how you could help out someone in need.  For example, is there someone who could use a little extra joy in their life?  Maybe you could make them a card telling them how special they are to you and how you were thinking of them!

Physical Activity
    It’s so important to get at least 30 minutes of physical activity a day!  Build a snowman together!  Go on a family walk!  Dance to your favorite songs!  Whatever you do, just get your bodies moving!


    The holidays always offer lots of treats!  Treats are ok as long as they are in moderation.  Take some time to talk to your family about the importance of eating healthy not just during the holidays, but eating healthy all year long!


    Try making homemade cards, gifts, or even wrapping paper!


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