Monday, January 28, 2013

January 28th-February 1st


Homework packets are due tomorrow!  Please send them back in your child's boomerang folder.

This is a gentle reminder to please let me know ahead of time if you are planning on sending any kind of food items in for the class.  We do have some allergies and intolerances that we need to be mindful of.  Any time food is brought into the classroom, I am required to let the nurse and parents know ahead of time so that we can check our allergy/intolerance list and to allow parents enough notice to send in alternative items for their child if they so choose.  Thank you!

It is VERY chilly outside!! Please remember to send your child to school with the appropriate outdoor gear.  They will need it for outdoor recess/earned time. 

Our second grade winter carnival is planned for this Friday, February 1st (weather permitting) from around 1:00-1:45.  Students will make snow sculptures, throw snowballs at targets, and go sledding.  They will also have some hot cocoa and cookies.  Students are more than welcome to bring sleds with them to school, as long as they do not bring them on the bus.  We're looking for cookie and cocoa donations and also some parent volunteers!  Please let me know if you are interested and available.

IXL:  Please refer to last week's post for what to practice on IXL.

This week in...

Phonics:  We're working with triple consonant blends.  The blends we're focusing on are:  scr-, str-, and spr-.  Here are our words:  screen, scream, scrape, stripe, struck, strict, sprain, spring, spruce, strap.

Vocabulary:  Our new words are:  sincerely, impatient, furious, demand, emergency, and snoop.  After we have figured out what these words mean and built connections with them, we'll search for them in the story called Izzy Pig Saves the Day by Kevin Tormino.

Comprehension:  We will continue to work on visualizing the story but we will also revisit the skill of identifying the cause and effect in a story.  The cause is WHY something happened and the effect is WHAT happened.  We'll be using our important linking word "because" to help us with these ideas.  In order to practice, we'll be reading a funny story called Click, Clack, Moo:  Cows That Type by Doreen Cronin.

Writing: This week student's will combine their knowledge of letters and persuasive posters and write a persuasive letter!  Students will be challenged to use precise words, use powerful reasons, combine sentences using the word "and", and make sure that their ideas are clear and easy to follow.

Grammar:  We'll be working on  combining sentences with the word "and".  If two sentences have words, ideas, subject, etc. that are the same, you can combine them!  For example:  Mom picked the apples.  Mom baked a pie.  We could combine them and make this sentence instead:  Mom picked the apples and baked a pie.

Math:  Our place value menu continues!  

However, the second grade team will be beginning something new!  This week starts our first Turnaround Tuesday!  During Turnaround Tuesday, students will be sent to a second grade classroom that will meet them where they are.  For example, there are several students who need some extra help and practice with skip counting, so they will head to the "Skip Counting Room".  While they are there, they will meet up with their peers who need help with similar things and work together to get closer to achieving their goals!  We're very excited to get started!

Social Studies:  We are getting more and more flat friends back everyday!  Today, we learned about some travels to Colorado, Ohio, and South Carolina!  After school, I received a package from Florida!  Already, our flat friends have traveled over 13,000 miles!!  We're learning so much about places all over the country and we're having fun with our imaginations as well.

Book Buddies:  Last week, we had a "Meet and Greet" day with Mrs. Noyes' Kindergarten class.  They will be our book buddies until the end of the year.  Team Blowey and Mrs. Noyes' friends will be getting together every other week to read to one another and once in a while do a fun project together.  We are oh so excited we can barely contain ourselves!

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