Wednesday, January 2, 2013

January 2nd-January 4th


Now that is winter, students really need to be bringing all of their winter gear everyday!  Hat, mittens, coat, snow pants, and boots are needed for them to be able to play outside.

Regular homework packets will start up again next Tuesday.  This week, I just want students to get back into basic school routines.  Even though there is no homework packet, students can still be practicing their math facts at home and reading for 20 minutes every night!  Don't forget to write down those minutes on their reading log!  

If you have any December reading logs, please send them into school so your child can be recognized for all of the reading they have been doing at home!

FLAT STANLEY PROJECTS ARE GOING IN THE MAIL TODAY!  I send out my sincerest apologies for not being able to get these out sooner.  Recently, my Dad has been in and out of the hospital for heart problems and will soon be going in for open heart surgery.  Since Thanksgiving, a lot of my attention and efforts have been focused on helping my parents.  We have high hopes that his surgery will go well and hopefully he'll be home and recovering as soon as he can!  Please let any of your friends or family members that are participating in this project know that I am very sorry for the delay and I greatly appreciate their willingness to help us with our Flat Friends!  If you or the participating members have any questions, please let me know!

This week in...

Language Arts:  We will be practicing all of the daily 5 again.  We'll talk about student jobs and teacher jobs during read to self, writing, word work, read to someone, and listen to reading.  These jobs, help us to foster independence so that we can all meet our goals faster.  Then, we'll have a chance to build our stamina back up.  By the end of the week, our goal is to have our stamina back up to 15 minutes.  Remember, stamina is being able to do anything for a long period of time without getting tired or giving up.  Check out the pictures below to see our Independence Charts for each part of the Daily 5. These are the same posters that we created together at the beginning of the year.

 Math:  In math, we'll be continuing to play math games for the rest of the week.  However, we are putting a greater focus on what it means to be a good partner.  Check out the chart we made together below.  


During games, students will be monitoring themselves and their partner to see if they are being good partners.  Again, these math games are helping students to practice important place value skills that we will be using in our next unit. 

Read Aloud:  Today, we began The Borrowers  by Mary Norton.  This will be our read aloud book for the next few weeks.

Social Science:  We will refine our "Getting Ready to go Outside" S.O.P. for the kindergarten classrooms.  Then, we'll practice teaching it to each other before we teach it to the kindergarteners.

We are also revisiting our Code of Cooperation to make sure it is still helping us make our vision come true.  Before vacation, our code said:

1.  Follow directions and use self control.
2.  Treat others they way you want to be treated.
3.  Dream big... and never give up on your goals!
4.  Support and encourage your teammates.

 Today we decided that we wanted to change support and encourage your teammates to just say work together. 

Words to Think About:  "Whatever you do, be all about it!"

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