Sunday, September 29, 2013

September 30-October 4

Announcements and Reminders:

I will not be at school on Tuesday.  I am lucky enough to be able to attend another workshop around teaching with movement!  I'm very excited to learn some new things and bring them back to the classroom!  I ask that if you have any notes about dismissal for your child, please send them in written form or email them directly to  I may not be able to check my email while at this workshop.  

This week, Mrs. Thibodeau, our school guidance counselor, will be visiting our classroom and talking to us about Kelso's choices.  For those of you who are unfamiliar with Kelso, he is a frog that helps kids solve small problems with friends on their own.  Here's a picture of Kelso's choices.  (I apologize for the small text).

Also this week, we will have our first whole school assembly!  We will be celebrating our return to school, talking about appropriate assembly behavior, Kelso's choices, and more!  I always love getting together with the whole Russell School community!

HOMEWORK WILL BEGIN THIS WEEK!  Homework packets will go home on Thursday and come back to school the following Thursday.  Attached to the homework, you will a homework survival guide, ideas for practicing spelling words, as well as log-in information for your child to the various online resources we use.  You'll also find a list of letters and numbers for IXL that will match our current focus standard in math.  I'll also be going over these homework packets with students at school.  They should be able to help you!  If you have any questions about homework after the packet goes home, please let me know!

I will be hosting a parent night on Wednesday, October 9 from 6:15.  You won't want to miss it!  I'll be kicking of the night with our Meet the Team video that we created using our very own green screen!   Then, I'll be sharing valuable information about curriculum goals, behavior expectations, and more about life in room 10!  Please make it priority to be there!  This evening is a parents only event so please arrange for child care ahead of time.

Our Specials Schedule:

Monday:  P.E.  (sneakers!)
Tuesday:  Music
Wednesday:  Art
Thursday:  Spanish
Friday:  Library (bring back those books!)

IXL Focus Standards:

I can read a pictograph and a bar graph and analyze the data using words like most, least, how many more, and how many less.

Second Grade:

 Third Grade:  

I can add and subtract numbers up to 20 using strategies from memory!

Addition One Digit

Subtraction One Digit

Mixed Operations

This week in...

Phonics:  We will be working with the short and long /a/ sound.  These are our focus words:  bag, cap, ham, bake, ate, mad, back, cape, made, and rake.  

Vocabulary:  Our new words are:  safe, flames, tell, forest, and heat.  We'll learn what these words mean and build connections to them.  Then, we'll search for them in the short stories Firehouse Friends and A Special Bear.  

Comprehension:  This week, we will be focusing on identifying the main idea of a story and finding the supporting details.  The main idea is the most important idea in a story.  The details give information that explains and supports the main idea.  We'll be practicing this skill while we read Fighting the Fire.

Grammar:  We are focusing on subjects.  Every sentence has two parts.  The first part of a sentence is the subject.  The subject tells who or what the sentence is about.

Writing:  This week, students will begin writing a personal narrative.   A personal narrative is a story about a memory or an important event in your life.  Students will have the chance to brainstorm ideas and details, write a rough draft, and have a chance to go back and edit their work.  They will be looking to see if:  their writing makes sense, they have lots of details, each sentence begins with a capital letter, each sentence has ending punctuation, and that most of their words are spelled correctly.  

Math:  We are continuing our focus on graphing.  We are still reviewing various bar graphs and pictographs, always analyzing the data.  We are using words like most and least.  We are also using the words how many more and how many less.  Students reading graphs and comparing the data they see.  We are also introducing line plots.  A line plot is a type of graph that shows numerical data using a number line.   Again, we are analyzing this data using words like most and least and comparing different categories.

We'll also be identifying student's individual goals for math facts.  We'll continue our work with our math facts games and centers so that students will know exactly what they can do to practice their math facts goals at school, but also HOW to do each activity.

Social Studies:  To go along with Mrs. Thibodeau's visit, we will also be focusing on solving problems with friends.  Together, we will create a flow chart that will help us know what to do if we have a small problem with a friend.  Of course, if there is a big problem, students need to find an adult to help them solve the problem.  We'll do some role playing to help us practice.

Read Aloud:  Charlotte's Web.  

Words to THINK about:  On our morning meeting board, you will see the words to think about.  These are positive phrases that I want students to be thinking about throughout the day!  This month, the words say: 

You were made to... Make your dreams come true, make the impossible possible, be yourself, accomplish any goal, change the world, live a beautiful life.  Only YOU can make it happen!

I want students to have confidence in themselves!  I want them to know that they have the power to accomplish anything they set their minds to and that nothing can stop them if they just believe in themselves.  I also want them to remember this GREAT quote from Dr. Seuss from his book Happy Birthday to You:  

“Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You."

Each student is unique and I want them to embrace that and use it to their advantage!  

I hope everyone has a wonderful week!  

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