Monday, September 9, 2013

September 9-13


Please remember to send a healthy snack with your child each and every day!  We'll have time for snack in the afternoon.  Please remember to leave all food that contain any peanuts, strawberries, or pineapples!  This includes juices!  Thank you for helping to keep all of our students safe and healthy!

Specials Schedule:
Monday:  P.E.  (sneakers!)
Tuesday:  Music
Wednesday:  Art
Thursday:   Spanish
Friday:  Library (don't forget those books!)

Our first field trip of the year will be to the Cumberland Fair.  An official date has not been set yet, however, it will be during the week of the 23-27 and will take place in the morning to early afternoon.  Hopefully that helps some of you who are thinking you might want to chaperone.  Remember, you MUST fill out new volunteer paperwork EVERY year!  Even if you filled out paperwork last year, you will need to send in another form so that you can be an approved volunteer for this year.  As soon as we get the official date, I will send out an email and hopefully a paper note!

 Please remember to send your child to school with a two pocket folder to serve as our home-school connection folder.  We may not always need to send papers home and you may not always need to send papers to school but we would like it to be brought to school everyday... just in case!

Also, here is a general guideline of what our daily schedule will look like.  (This is simply the schedule that I sent home at the ice cream social/first day of school).

8:35-9:10  Arrival and morning work
9:10  Morning Meeting
9:40  Math
11:05 Lunch and recess
11:55 Read aloud
12:10  Quiet time/science/social studies
12:40  Special (see special schedule above)
1:25 Snack
1:35  ELA/Daily 5
2:35 Earned time
2:55 Dismissal

On Thursday, we will be having a school-wide assembly featuring Kyle Dine.  The focus of this assembly is talking about allergies in a kid-friendly way so that we can all begin to understand a little better!  Here is one of his songs called Allergies Rocks!  Check it out!


Classroom Community:  We are continuing to practice our classroom vision!  Team Blowey voted for teamwork, creative, respect, and fun to be the focus words of our vision.  Using these words, I created three different songs for Team Blowey to vote on.  They decided that they liked the vision song set to Safe and Sound by Capital Cities best.   Here are the lyrics!

We can show you what
We can show you what we’re gonna be
we’re gonna to be the best, you’ll see!

Creative minds
We will work so hard on our goals
we’ll show you all that we know

All we know

We can show respect
We can use kind words and our ears
We will listen now, don’t you fear!

Let’s have some fun
We’ll control our bodies and our words
We’ll work together and be heard!

We’ll be heard!
We’ll be heard!
We’ll be heard!

We also worked together to create our Code of Cooperation.  This basically serves as our classroom rules.  We started by looking at each of our power words (teamwork, respect, fun, and creative) and how we think we could make them come true in our classroom.  From this, we decided on the four classroom rules.  Interestingly enough, they actually become an acronym that spells BEST!  Because of that, we often remind each other to be our BEST selves!  Here is our Code:

Be in control of our bodies and our minds
Everyone has to do their part
Stay focused and never give up!
Treat others the way we want to be treated.

Throughout the week, we will be unpacking what it means to make each of these things come true at Russell School.  These will serve as our behavior guidelines.  More information about these guidelines will be sent home in next week's newsletter.  

We're also continuing to build S.O.P.'s (standard operating procedures) for many of the daily classroom routines.  So far we have an S.O.P. to help us get ready for the morning, get ready for lunch, and get ready earned time.  

Second Grade Meeting:  Once a week, the entire second grade team will try to meet together for a morning meeting.  Usually, we will gather and have a quick greeting, each class will have some time to share something that they have been doing in their classroom, we'll celebrate birthdays, solve problems, and more!  

Math:  This week, we will begin to work with our first power standard of the year.  Here it is: 

 I can explain and interpret data on a bar graph or picture graph using the words more than, less than, how many more, and how many less.  

We have already started a little bit of this during morning meeting when we chart the daily weather.  This week, students will be exploring bar graphs and pictures graphs, learning to read them and talk about them.  Students will even get the extra challenge of collecting and organizing their own data to put into a bar graph or picture graph.

Daily 5:  We are continuing to build our read to self stamina.  We are also continuing to set our writing expectations and build our writing stamina.  Today, we had a chance to brainstorm places we could write around the room and also the materials we would need to work on our writing goals.  This week, we will also begin to set our word work expectations and build our word work stamina.  Word work could be working on spelling words or learning how to read and recognize different word patterns (phonics).  My hope is that we'll also have the chance to begin setting up our read to someone expectations as well!

Read Aloud:  We have transitioned into our first chapter book read aloud story of the year... Charlotte's Web!  A great story about the wonderful friendship between Wilbur (a young runt pig who was saved) and Charlotte (a barn spider with a creative mind and caring heart).

I hope everyone has a wonderful week!  

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