Tuesday, June 3, 2014

June 2-6


If you have not done so already, please remember to send in $3.50 for the admission fee for the animal park.  We will need this money ahead of time to make our transition into the park a smooth one.  On the day of the trip, students may choose to bring $2.00 extra in with them to purchase an ice cream or a drink at the snack shack.  Another reminder closer to field trip will go out as well.

Next Monday is our Step Up Day at Dunn School!  If you checked off that you would like your child to receive a school lunch from Dunn, you are all set!  If you checked off that your child will be bringing a lunch from home, please remember to send a packed lunch with them to school that day.  We are so excited to be meeting with some of the third graders up at Dunn!

This week in...

ELA:  This week is the final step for our animal projects!  We are currently building our diaramas and using clay to model our animals.  On Friday afternoon, we will be inviting teachers, parents, and students into the classroom to see our projects.  We will be giving “tours” from about 1:45-2:30.  We would love it if any of you were able to stop by and check out our animals!  If you are planning on coming, I would greatly appreciate just a quick email or note as a heads up so I can plan for extra people in the room.

Math:  We are in the final week of our flexible math groups for adding and subtracting within 100 with a focus on word problems.  We will also be doing a ton of review activities for measurement, arrays, odd and even numbers, time, money, and math facts!  We have even planned to have an exciting day on Thursday!  The second grade will be having Measurement Olympics!  Second graders will be participating in five different events.  At each event, they will be facing a new challenge and using a variety of measuring tools.  For example, at my station, students will be building paper airplanes and measuring how far they can fly them!

Science:  Today, we are heading to another second grade classroom to present our research on severe weather!  We will be showing off our wonderful posters and sharing our wealth of knowledge on tornadoes, hurricanes, floods, thunderstorms, volcanoes, and earthquakes!  Then, students will be given a chance to ask Team Blowey’s “weather experts” some questions!  

I know it may look like a short update, but you can definitely count on us using absolutely every free minute we have on all of our challenging learning projects!   

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