Monday, June 9, 2014

June 9-13


FIELD DAY IS TOMORROW... RAIN OR SHINE!  Please make sure your child is dressed appropriately.  Also, it’s a good idea to send in an extra pair of dry clothes for students to change into.  

Next week is our field trip the Gray Wildlife Park!   I’m still looking for the $3.50 admission fee from some of Team Blowey.  A note went home today with those students who I need it from.  Please be sure to send it in ASAP!  We’ll need the money soon so that we can send a check from Russell School over to the Wildlife Park.  It will make for a much smoother entrance as we go into the park.

Also, students are welcome bring an EXTRA $2.00 with them on the day of the field trip to buy an ice cream or a drink.  They should bring no more than $2.00.  We will only be visiting the snack shack.  We will not be going into the gift shop.

The last day of school is coming up so soon!  The last student day will be on Thursday, June 19.  This will be a half day for students.

This week is the last week for volunteers!  Thank you so much to all of you who were able to make a commitment to come into our classroom and help us out all year long!  We truly appreciate all of your help!

This will be the last week for spelling tests and math fact check-ins!

This week in...

ELA:  This week’s focus will be preparing a personal narrative that will go into our folders and be shared with the third grade teachers.  Today, we brainstormed some fun times, scary times, sad times, and some ouch moments.  Tomorrow, we will begin writing our first drafts.  We will be focusing on doing our very best second grade writing!  Here are the things we’ll be doing in our writing:
-lots of elaborated details about our memories
-a great beginning sentence that introduces our writing
-a great ending sentence that concludes our writing
-correct ending punctuation
-upper and lowercase letters where they belong
-good spelling

Math:  This week, we will be wrapping up our measurement unit.  As a culminating activity, we will be collecting materials from outside and measuring them.  Then, we’ll use these items to build our very own fairy houses!  

We’ll also wrap up our work with line plots.  We’ll do this with a lot of the items we’ll be measuring.  We’ll use the measurements to create a line plot.  Then, we’ll read the line plot and be able to explain the data.

Measurement Olympics has been rescheduled to this Thursday instead.

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