Monday, February 13, 2012

February 13-17


Tomorrow is Valentine's Day!  If students would like to bring in valentines for their friends, please bring one in for every student.  A class list was sent home last week in the boomerang folders.   We will also be making a "Friendship Snack Mix".   Students are asked to bring in one snack item to add to the mix.  Just like friendship, it just keeps getting better and better when more people add snacks to the mix!  Reminder:  no peanuts, peanut butter, or strawberries please!

We will be making team jerseys on Friday,  February 17th!  Students will have a slip in their boomerang folders tomorrow (Tuesday) with a place for you to sign up if you would like to help students make team jerseys!

Next week is February Vacation!  Students will keep their homework packets over break and bring them in the following Monday.  They will earn homework points for every time they practice a goal at home!  The Monday we return will be the start of the new homework policy!

This week in...

Reading:  We are working on the strategy called "monitor and fix-up".  While students are reading they are self-monitoring themselves to make sure what they are reading is making sense.  If something doesn't make sense then they need to "fix-up" by going back and rereading.  We are also continuing to build on the skill of making predictions.  When we make predictions, we use the text, pictures, and what we already know to make a really good guess about what might happen in a story.  We will be practicing these things while we read a story called Super Storms by Seymour Simon.

Vocabulary:  Our new vocabulary words for this week are:  violent, beware, prevent, uprooted, destroy, and grasslands.  We will be working with our elbow buddies to talk about what these words mean, how to use them in a sentence, and also building a connection with each of these words.  We will then read about these words in a short story called Wild Weather Hits Florida by Lisa O'Neil. 

Phonics:  This week we will be working with words with oo, ui, ew, ue, and oe.  We will be working with the following words:  root, boot, suit, fruit, clue, glue, flew, new, shoe, and canoe.  We will be sorting these words into categories and then changing the beginning or ending sounds to make new words. 

Writing:  Students are really being pushed to finish their final drafts of their persuasive letters!  We are working hard to make sure we have our triple stuffed OREO (opinion, reason, explanation, and opinion restated) just right so that it makes sense and is really persuasive!  We are using our peers as editors as well as any grownups in the room to check for capitalization, organization, punctuation, and spelling.

Math:  We are working on a math game menu!  We are learning to play lots of different game that will give us better strategies for how to add and subtract numbers.  These games are a lot of fun and introduce us to using some really important strategies that we will need in third grade!  For example, some of the skills we are working on are adding and subtracting numbers using number lines, 100s charts, and missing numbers!  All of these skills will be critical in the next standards that we will be unpacking.

Science:  Our plants have almost completed their entire life cycle!  We are finishing up our last few observations and drawings this week.  It has definitely been a lot of fun watching these plants go through all of the stages of a plant life cycle!


We went to visit our big book buddies today and we did a really fun project together!  After reading a book that taught us a lot about the history of Valentine's Day, we worked together to create over 120 valentines to be sent to a local assisted living center.  This activity was our way of honoring Valentine's Day, the 100th day of school, and friendship all at once!  It was so much fun to see all of the creativity that was in one room today!  The recipients of these valentines are definitely going to be very happy with all of the quality work that these students were able to do today!

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