Monday, February 6, 2012

February 6-February 10

Unfortunately, I, too, stayed up to watch the Superbowl last night and was a little bummed that the Patriots weren't able to win.  However, there's always next year!  We definitely had some yawning and some excited stories about the close game going on this morning at team meeting! On the bright side though, the Bruins were able to bring in a win for New England! 


We are SO close to having everyone bring in their t-shirt for our team jerseys!  As of right now, my game plan is to have students make their jerseys on February 17th (the Friday before break) and let them dry over vacation.  If you are someone who is able to volunteer to help us make these jerseys, please send a little note my way!  

Next Monday is early release.  We will be traveling to Dunn School to see our book buddies!

Next Tuesday is Valentine's Day!  Students are allowed to bring in valentines but if they choose to do so, they must bring a valentine for everyone in the class.  I will be sending home a class list with every student this week so that we can make sure that no one is forgotten.  We will also be making a "friendship snack" together.  Attached to the list of names, there will be a list of snacks that students may bring in. 

February 20-February 25 is February vacation!

This week in...

Phonics:  We are working on the variant vowel oo, ou.  Together we practiced and sorted words like:  could, should, would, shook, hook, crook, soot, stood, brook, and foot.   We will also be practicing what happens to these words when we change the beginning sound.  For example, what happens when I change the /h/ in hook to /l/.  What word would I get?

Vocabulary:  Our new vocabulary words this week are:  conservation, remains, trouble, extinct, and hardest.  Together we will figure out what these words mean, how to use them in a sentence, and build connections with them so we are more likely to use them and understand them.

Reading:  We will be continuing to work on generating questions while we are reading.  This is a great skill to practice at home with your child as well!  As you are reading together, pause and take a second to ask yourselves a questions about what you are reading.  After you read a paragraph, what question could you ask that would help you understand it?

We will also be working with description as a structure of the text.  We will be talking about how a description is what something is like.  We'll also be having conversations about how the author sometimes begins signal words or phrases such as "to begin with" or "here is how".  

Grammar:  We are going to be talking about irregular verbs.  Some words, such as go, do not have -ed in the past tense.  Instead they have a special form.  For example, go in the past tense is went.  Do in the past tense is did.  

Writing:  Students are hard at work!  We have been working on using the OREO structure (opinion, reason, explanation, and opinion restated) to help us with our persuasive writing.  Some of us have encountered a little bit of writer's block, especially when it comes to convincing someone to do something.  For example, some students know exactly what they want but are having a hard time explaining why it would be a good thing for them to get it.  Persuasive writing is definitely putting our brains to the test!

 Science:  We are nearing the end of the brassica plants' life cycle!  We continue to write down our observations twice a week so we can document what our plants looked like throughout their life cycle and also how they changed!  We have been writing things like how tall our plants our, whether they stand up tall or lean, if they have any blossoms, what shape the leaves are, and so much more!

Math:  We are wrapping up our review unit on time.  This week we have been doing a little bit of practice with adding and subtracting time and also reviewing how to tell time to the nearest five minutes.  It gets pretty tricky when the minute hand is near the 9, 10, and 11!  Soon after that, we will be unpacking a lot of games that we will be playing.  These games will give us a ton of strategies for adding and subtracting numbers that we will most definitely need in the near future! 

I hope everyone has a phenomenal week!

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