Monday, February 6, 2012

P.S. (February 6-10)

I forgot to include a big announcement!


Tomorrow, your child will bring home a yellow paper with details about the homework policy change as well as ways to make homework more successful at home. 

The new policy will begin on February 27th, the Monday after vacation. 

Here is the new policy as well as some tips to help with homework:  

(NOTE:  This is exactly what will be sent home tomorrow!  Just giving you a heads up!)

***Students who do not bring their homework back in their boomerang folders on Monday, will lose their earned time that afternoon.

***If students who do not complete the homework that they circled they will be doing the work during their earned time over the course of the week until it is completed.

When students circle an activity to do for homework, it is NOT an option!  The only exception would be if you and your child came up with a different way to practice the goal.

Some tips on making homework time more successful at home...

~Get into a routine for doing homework.  Set up a specific time after school that is called “homework time”.  This time will be devoted to doing homework each and every day.

~Keep distractions down to a minimum.  Turn off the TV or any other electronic devices that may distract your child.

~Help your child figure out a routine that is best for them.  Some students like to keep working until their work is done while others like to take breaks in between activities.

~Make talking with your child a part of the homework routine.  Use this time to eat a healthy snack and talk about their homework choices.

~Designate a special place for doing homework.  For example, at the kitchen table or a desk.  Make sure there are no distractions and that any materials your child might need to do their homework (i.e. pens, pencils, crayons, etc) are ready and available.

~Help your child pack up all of his/her materials and put them into their boomerang folder once they have finished their materials.

Also, here is a cute quote from our read aloud book, Sideways Stories from Wayside School:

"You need a reason to be sad, you don't need a reason to be happy!"

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