Monday, May 13, 2013

May 13-17


Homework packets are due tomorrow!

Please remember to send in your child's permission slip and admission fee for the Wildlife Park as soon as possible!  If you have lost the original copy of the permission slip, please let me know and I will send home another.

Please remember to send a healthysnack in for your child every day!  We have 10 minutes to energize our brains with some healthy snacks to keep our bodies going until the end of the day!  If you would like some suggestions for healthy snacks, let me know!  I'd be happy to send some your way!

We'll be doing book buddies this week!

IXL:  please see previous posts

This week in...

Phonics:  We are working with /ar/, /are/, and /air/.  Our words are:  star, shark, care, stare, rare, dare, hair, pair, chair,  and fair.

Vocabulary:  Our new words are:  creating, memories, familiar, imagination, glamorous, and occasions.  We'll figure out what these words mean and build connections to them.  Then, we'll search for them in a story called Making Stories Happen.

Comprehension:  This week, we'll be working on drawing conclusions.  That means you make a decision about a selection based on text and picture clues and on what you already know.  For example, if we read a story that gave us facts like Sammy played with his cousins and pretended to be a teacher and that Sammy made up names for the cousins we might be able to draw the conclusion that Sammy was a creative person with a good imagination.

Writing:  We are continuing to work on writing our rough drafts for our animal reports.  It has been quite a challenge to be able to organize all of our research into a research report.  We're also working hard to make sure that we can provide evidence for the things that we say!  For example, we can't just say that polar bears are omnivores.  We need to prove that by saying that polar bears eat things like walruses and seals but they also eat berries, mushrooms, and seaweed.  By providing specific examples, we can provide our writing with more evidence and really show them that we have studied and become experts on our animals!

Grammar:  We will be working with "a" and "an".  It takes a lot of practice to recognize that we need to use "a" before words that start with consonant sounds and "an" before words that start with vowel sounds.  For example, we would say "a story" or "an apple".

Math:  This week, we will be wrapping up our word problem unit!  We'll also be visiting some of our extension standards.  For example, we'll have some time to practice some strategies for adding number strings.  We'll also be learning a strategy for how to add and subtract three digit numbers.  

Science:  We'll be doing a couple more weather tracking days where we use our homemade weather tools to help us track the changes in weather.  We'll also be having conversations around the kind of animals we've been studying (mammals, birds, reptiles, etc) and what are some of the features that make them fall into that category.  We'll also be talking about different habitats around the world and some of the characteristics of each of those habitats.

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