Monday, May 6, 2013

May 6- May 10


Homework packets are due tomorrow!

Students will be bringing home their permission slip to go to the Wildlife Park tomorrow.  Please sign them and send them back ASAP!

I will not be at school tomorrow (May 7) or Friday (May 10) as I am attending the second part of a complex reasoning workshop.  If you have any notes about transportation please email them to Connie at or send in a hand written note.  Thank you!

IXL practice:  please refer to previous posts.

This week in...

Phonics:  We are working with -dge, -ge, -lge, -nge, and -rge.  Here our the words we'll be practicing:  cage, page, judge, lodge, large, barge, bulge, change, range, and hinge.

Vocabulary:  Our new words are:  menu, fetch, forgetting, simmered, assembled, and devoured.  We'll figure out what these words mean and then build connections to them.  Then, we'll search for them in the story called Bobo's Celebration by Keith Fish.

Comprehension:  This week we will be working on distinguishing reality from fantasy.  That means what is real and what is made up.  We'll do this while we read Mice and Beans by Pam Munoz Ryan.

Grammar:  This week we'll be working with adjectives.  Adjectives are words that describe nouns.  

Writing:  We'll be finishing up lots of projects this week!  We'll be finishing up our poetry unit and our Cloudy with a Chance stories.  We'll also be working on taking our animal research and putting them into a rough draft using the format I described last week.

Math:  This week our focus will remain on solving problems with unknown change.  Students are encouraged to try and solve problems with multiple strategies.  Then, we'll do a little review of all of the strategies we've learned as well as the different kinds of word problems we've seen.

Science:  We will continue our cloud observations and weather observations using the tools that we have created.  

Social Studies:  We are placing a HUGE emphasis on respect this week.  Students are working towards earning respect stars throughout the day.  We always talk about respecting ourselves, respecting others, and respecting the school.

Let me know if you have any questions!

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