Tuesday, May 28, 2013

May 28-May 31


Thank you so much to everyone who was able to send in extra shoe boxes and clay!  Team Blowey was able to start making their dioramas today.  They are having so much fun already!

Remember, the cookout is this Friday at 11.  You must send in an order form to reserve a meal for your child and yourself.  Directly following the cookout, parents are invited to take a tour of Team Blowey's Wildlife Park!  The team will be showing you their animals in their habitats and answering any of your questions.  I will send home a paper reminder as well.  We hope to see you there!

Please send in your permission slip and money for the Wildlife Park as soon as possible!  Please let me know if you need another copy of the permission slip.

Team Blowey did not fill out homework packets today.  We will fill them out tomorrow.  With so many festivities going on, there will be no spelling words to practice this week and therefore, no spelling test next Monday.  Students are still asked to read for at least 20 minutes each night and practice their math facts.  IXL is encouraged as well.

This week in...

Language Arts:  This week will be focused on completing our animal reports and dioramas.  Students are working hard at finishing their final drafts with neat handwriting and making sure they have correct ending punctuation and lowercase and uppercase letters where they belong.  For our dioramas, students will be working hard to mold their animals out of clay.  They will also be painting their shoe boxes to look like their animal's habitat.  When they are finished painting, they will have the chance to add some 3D elements, both from nature and handmade.

Math:  We will be focusing on our measurement unit.  Our essential standard is that students are able to measure using inches and centimeters by selecting and using appropriate tools including a ruler, measuring tape, yard stick, and meter stick.  This week, students will have the opportunity to measure several things around the classroom using a variety of measuring tools.  While they are doing this, they will also be exposed to the idea of different units of measure.  For example, they will begin to see the pattern that the same object will be more centimeters than inches because centimeters are smaller units of measure.  

Social Studies:  Our focus on leadership continues with the seven habits of happy kids.  Each day we will have a new leadership quality to focus on.  Tomorrow, we will focus on thinking win-win.  The following day, we will focus on first seek to understand and then to be understood.  On Friday, we will focus on synergizing, working like a team!  Each morning we'll talk about what kind of behaviors would show each leadership behavior.  Throughout the day, I will be on the lookout for students who are showing those behaviors so that we can send a leadership certificate home.

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