Monday, September 12, 2011

September 12th-16th

Our first full week of school!  Woo hoo!

This week, Team Blowey is moving more into a traditional schedule.  We are continuing to work together to develop the Daily 5 as well as integrating our Treasures reading program.  We have also been working together to create graphs during our afternoon math time!  The graphs are representing data our class collected about themselves.  It's been a great time learning more about each other. 

We have even practiced what to do if there is a fire in the building.  Team Blowey did a great job!  We were quick and we were quiet!

We're also wrapping up our crayon presentations.  Last week we read a poem about a box of crayons that learned about working together as a team.  To help us understand that, we created our very own crayons that represented us and what we like to do.  They will be on display in the hallway sometime this week so if you're in the neighborhood please come down and check it out!  The presentations have been going really well and we have really been learning a lot about what a good presentation and a good audience looks like.  Ask your child about what they learned.

Just a reminder that the student reading survey will be due TOMORROW, Tuesday the 13th.  This survey lets me know your student as a reader a little more so that way we can be on the same page.  Students may ask for help if they need it.  There will be no other homework assigned this week.  Regular homework will likely start in the beginning of October.  In the meantime, students are always encouraged to read every night.

Today in the boomerang folders you will also see a permission slip for our field trip!  We will be going to the Cumberland Fair on September 29th.  If you are interested in being a chaperone please let me know ASAP.  Any volunteers who would like to come with us must fill out the volunteer paperwork, which also authorizes a background check.

Have a happy day!

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