Monday, September 26, 2011

September 26th-30th

Dear Team Blowey Parents,

I have to begin with a few apologies.  After being out sick for two days last week, forgetting my laptop at home, and then having limited access to internet I was not able to post earlier.  Also, because I forgot my laptop at home I wasn't able to access the documents I was hoping to send home in the boomerang folders today.  Sorry about that!  It's tough to get back into the groove of things after being out sick.  Hopefully I'm on the right track to be healthy again! And hopefully the members of Team Blowey are on the right track to being healthy again too!

Tomorrow, I'm hoping to send home a paper about IXL, the online math website for students to be able to practice at home.  My goal is to have students start practicing again by the end of the week. If you do not have access to a computer and/or the internet at home please let me know. 

REMINDER:  The Cumberland Fair field trip is this THURSDAY!!!  Your child will need to have a packed lunch and a water bottle.  We will be going rain or shine so please remember to dress appropriately.  Also, there will be no money coming along on this field trip.  The students are not permitted to buy anything at the fair. 

Parent volunteers for the field trip, I will be sending some more information home for you in the boomerang folders tomorrow. 

Again, I apologize for the chaotic start to the week.  I'm hoping yours will go a little smoother!

Have a fantastic day!

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