Tuesday, September 6, 2011

September 6th-September 9th

We are now in the second week of school and things are really starting to roll!  We have been working together as a class to develop S.O.P.'s (Standard Operating Procedures) for many times throughout the day.  For example, morning arrival, getting ready for lunch, and dismissal time all have S.O.P's.  This way we all know what we are supposed to be doing and when we should do it.  It's going to take a lot of practice though for us to make things just right.

Speaking of just right, Team Blowey has begun our conversations about just right books.  We talked about an acronym to help us find the book that is perfect for us.

I look at a book
P urpose  (Why am I reading this book?  Example:  To learn more about a topic, to fill up time during a long car ride, Daily 5 time in the classroom, etc.)
nterest (Am I interested in this book?  Do I think this is a book I will enjoy?)
C omprehend (Am I understanding what I'm reading?)
K now all of the words (5 finger rule)

The five finger rule helps us find out if this is a "just right" book.  If there are 0-1 words on a page that we don't know, the book might be a little bit too easy for us.  If there are 2-3 words on a page that we don't know, then the book is just right!  If there are 4-5 words on a page that we don't know, maybe we can put the book back and try again later.

Our homework for this week is to find some books at home that we think are just right books.  Your child should have gotten a gallon sized ziplock with their name on it.  Put the books in there and bring them back to school.  Those will be our book bags for this year.  We will be constantly updating them as we continue to grow in our reading.  We will also use our classroom library and our school library to help us find more books.

Students will also recieve a reader's interest survey on THURSDAY night that they may complete with your help.  This will help me begin to understand your child as a reader a little bit more.

We're off to great places and we hope you are too!

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