Monday, September 19, 2011

September 19th-23rd

We're now into our second full week of school!

After ending last week on such a high note (getting a marble for the compliment jar, ask your child about it) we started this week in high spirits.  As I'm writing this, Team Blowey is in Library and before I left, they told me that they were going to be working extra hard to get another compliment!  We'll see how that goes.  Fingers crossed!

Today we also learned a fun song to help us remember IPICK.  It's still new for us so your child might not be able to remember all of the words or motions yet.  We'll practice more as the year goes on.  IPICK, if you remember, is the phrase we use to help us find just right books.  Soon, your child will be sent home with a bookmark they created to help them remember this very important skill.

Math was a lot of fun today too!  I brought in a suitcase which automatically started a lot of conversation among students.  Some thought that I brought my newly adopted kitten, Daisy.  Some thought I might have had a snake!  But instead, inside the suitcase was our learning target for math.  This year, we will be "unpacking" standards with students so that they may fully understand what it is that they are trying to reach.  Together, we picked out the important words and phrases.   We then put on our thinking faces and turned into investigators to solve the mystery of the learning target.  As the unit progresses, we'll be revisiting this target often.  Math ended today with a fun game of "What's my rule?"  We'll learn more about this too.

Homework for this week is to complete the "All About Me" poster that is in the homework pocket of your child's boomerang folder.  This assignment is to be completed by Friday.  However, if you think that your child does better trying to finish homework over the weekend instead of during the busy week, that is just fine too.  I did not mention this to the students as I'm hoping to try and instill the importance of breaking up larger projects into smaller pieces.  If you feel like your child is stressing out over the project, though, just send a little note my way so that I know to expect your child's work on Monday instead of Friday. 

Students should continue to read nightly and fill out their school reading logs.  Remember, for every 300 minutes your child reads they will be recognized. 

I'm still looking for a few permission slips for book buddies and for the Cumberland Fair so please send those in ASAP!

IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT:  In your totes, you should have seen a reminder from Miss Bolduc about the roller skating event coming up on Saturday.  Since Miss Bolduc left so suddenly, she decided to keep this event so that the students may have another chance to see her.  I'll be attending too! We hope to see you all there!

If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact me.  Have a happy day!


Miss Blowey

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