Monday, October 3, 2011

October 3rd-October 7th

Happy October Team Blowey!

This week, Team Blowey is off on some fun adventures! 

In literacy, we are building a classroom book!  After collecting the ABC's of the Cumberland Fair, we grouped all of our findings into one master list.  Each of us will be working on completing a page for the letter we picked out.  Some students will have the chance to work on two pages.  We're in the beginning stages of creating a rough draft.  We're creating sentences and pictures to really show what we found during our field trip!

In math, we are continuing our graphing unit.  Last week we pulled a mystery item from a bag (colored snap cubes) and from there we began sorting out the data.  We'll be working on creating our own graphs to represent the snap cubes we collected.  When we're finished, we'll be presenting our data to the class with lots of details about what we found.

In science, we are continuing to learn about plants.  Recently, Team Blowey and Mrs. Sylvester's class got together to watch a video about plant life cycles!  Ask your child about it.  We'll be continuing our plant unit with some fun activities later this month!

We also "unpacked" our math fact fluency standard.  Team Blowey is full of investigators who work really hard to solve the mystery of the new standard.  We pull out the really important words and break them down into smaller pieces so they are easier to understand.  Now we know what our goal should be when it comes to knowing our math facts!

Homework is in full swing this week!  In the boomerang folder you'll notice that there is a Homework Cafe packet.  The cover sheet gives you a little more information as to what the specific guidelines are.  Each week students will receive a menu for spelling, reading, and math.  They can choose different activities from the menu to help them practice the new skills.

As I have mentioned before homework is assigned on Mondays and due on Fridays.  However, if your family's schedule and your child work better over the weekend, homework may be turned in on Monday.  This basically means that students should be doing homework about 4 days a week.


Be sure to check out the classroom website at  There is a new video there showing you how to navigate 

September reading calendars are due!  Students should have been keeping a record of how many minutes they were reading during the month of September on the school calendar.  Remember to send those back to school!  Students will be recognized for every 300 minutes they read.

Remember if you have any pictures of your child doing fun summer or fall activities, send them in!  Our Team Blowey News bulletin board will be updated all year long.  We love seeing the fun and exciting things our team mates do outside of school!

I wish you all a great week!  Happy Monday!

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