Tuesday, October 11, 2011

October 11th-14th

Hello Team Blowey Parents!

I hope you all enjoyed the long weekend!  I spent mine down in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania with my family getting a whole new look at America's history.  I had a blast!

This week Team Blowey is making the final touches on our ABC's of the Cumberland Fair book.  It's really starting to come together!  We're also continuing our work with literacy cafe time, where students choose what areas they are going to focus on to help them become better readers and writers.  They may choose stamina, fluency, comprehension, word work, or writing.  We're still learning about what it means to be responsible for our work and how to choose what we work on appropriately.  We'll get there!

In math some of our teammates have already begun passing our graphing learning target!  We've starting talking about fact fluency (adding and subtracting numbers up to 20 in our heads) and why it's so important.  Students will have the chance to explore and build on their fact fluency by choosing from their math fact menus.  When students feel that they are ready to move on to the next fact family, they may put their goal sleeves in the "check me" box so that I can test them.  If they pass, they get to move onto the next goal!

Homework this week is the same.  Homework Cafe packets went home in the boomerang folders.

Practice your spelling words!
Read every night!
Practice your math skills!  (IXL 30 minutes every week... facts as much as you need to move onto the next goal)

Just a reminder, ask your child to circle the day of the week they decide to do an activity.  This way I can see what they were practicing and also when they were practicing.  If students choose an activity like rainbow words or a math worksheet, for example, please send them with the homework packets as well.  I would love to see the progress students are making at home as well!

As always, please send any feedback or questions my way!  I wish you a marvelous week!

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