Tuesday, October 18, 2011

October 17th-21st!

Conferences are starting this week!  The first conferences are on Thursday.  They will continue on Tuesday and Wednesday of next week.  Confirmation sheets were sent home today in the boomerang folders.  Please remember that you and your child should attend these conferences.  The purpose of these conferences is goal setting.  It's so important for parents, teacher, and student to be on the same team!

In literacy, we have been working to create specific goals for ourselves to really help our reading.  These goals are focusing on fluency, accuracy, and comprehension.  With these goals have come very specific techniques for us to be able to meet our goals.  Our work with literacy cafe has also continued and the students have been working hard to build stamina, fluency, comprehension, word work, and writing. 

In math we are wrapping up our unit on bar graphs and pictures graphs and have begun or menu work for fact fluency!  Math fact cafe is a GREAT supporter for this!  We've also introduced clocks and telling time.  Today we turned ourselves into a clock and used our hands as the hands of a clock to represent different times.  It was a lot of fun!  Time and math facts will continue throughout the year.

Homework cafe packets were sent home!  Each night students should try to do one spelling activity, read for at least 20 minutes, and have time to practice their math skills with IXL or math fact cafe. 

If you have any questions or observations you would like to share with me about how homework is going, please let me know!  I'll help in any way I can.

REMINDER:  In the newsletter that was sent home this week, I asked for students to please bring in an expo marker and an old (but CLEAN) sock to use as an eraser.  They will be used during whiteboard time. 

ALSO:  Please send in pictures of your kids for our Team Blowey News bulletin board.  We love seeing what our teammates do outside of school!

Have a lovely week!

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