Monday, October 31, 2011

October 31st-November 4th

Hello, Spooktacular Parents!

I hope you're all enjoying a fun-filled evening with your kids!  We sure did enjoy ourselves at school today! 

Our morning was filled with some festive activities.  We rotated to every second grade class to see the other second grade teachers who had some fabulous things set up for us.  We created haunted houses, played games, and got our faces painted!  We even enjoyed a story book character parade from the first graders.  Later in the afternoon, we enjoyed our harvest party with some spooky tunes and delicious snacks.  Thanks to everyone who was able to contribute to the festivities!  Room 10 had a blast!

This week in literacy we are continuing our work with Treasures and Literacy Cafe time.  Each day we work hard to build our comprehension, vocabulary, spelling, fluency, stamina, and writing skills.  Our whole class readings will focus on plants which fits perfectly into our science unit. 

Last week, Team Blowey worked together to create a KWL chart.  That stands for what we KNOW about plants, what we WANT to know about plants, and when we finish our unit we will write down what we have LEARNED about plants.  This Friday, we will be working towards our goal of learning more about plants by combining with Ms. Thornhill's class. 

In math, we began unpacking our place value standard.  Once we are finished unpack, we will have a clear vision of what it will look like to pass the place value standard.  Students are also working really hard on their math facts!  We've have a lot of students pass some of their goals already!  Ask your child about the math boogie.   It's a fun way to celebrate when our friends meet their goals.

 Homework this week is the cafe packets once again.

Spelling:  Pick one activity a night.
Reading:  Read for 20 minutes every night!  (Scholastic News counts as your reading time!)
Math:  Practice on IXL for 30 minutes this week.  Remember any extra choices you make during the week will help you meet your goals faster!


-Blue volunteer paper.  If you are interested in volunteering in the the classroom or even helping out from home, check out the blue paper that will be sent home in the boomerang folders on TUESDAY!

-Salmon colored parking lot.  In order to help answer any questions or be able to take any comments you have into consideration, I thought it would be most helpful to create a parking lot together.  Please fill it out with what you think is going well, what you think needs to change, what questions you have, and any bright ideas you might have to make homework better.  I'm hoping that using this tool will help us to work better as a team and to make any necessary changes to the homework.  This will go home in the boomerang folders on TUESDAY!

REMINDER:  Please send in last week's homework if you have not already done so. 

I hope you all have a joyous week!

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